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Posts posted by TornadoFlame

  1. Those specs are hardly comparable to a £2000.  Seriously.  Maybe a pre-built Dell or Alienware £2000 computer, sure, but those two are behind the times when it comes to the latest and great tech that they put into their machines.  I could easily put together a £2000 build that will outstrip the XBox One in every way.  For the specs that are in the One, you're looking at more along the lines of $800-$900 tops.  I mean honestly, an 8 core processor running at 1.6 Ghz, 2.0 Ghz tops?  That's a joke, since AMD already has an 8 core running at nearly 4.0 Ghz per core already.


    Now, as for the topic at hand, that is an interesting idea, and I'd be keen on seeing what they do have to offer.  However this still doesn't change my mind about the One.  Though if a company here in the US were to do something like this, I might be inclined to check it out.

    i bough my amd 8 core 4.0ghz for 190 2 weeks ago :) its nice.


    and thanks for the info dog.

  2. ps4! not gonna buy a console from a company who insults us and spits in are face when we have issues.



    heard its region lock also??? tisk tisk.

    Our military is out there fighting for there lives to protect us and they can't even play some xbox on there spare time?

    Renting games gone?


    :/ Sony i go...


    Anyways on topic is there a microsoft story in the u.s anywhere i haven't seen one in texas.

  3. I love halo, but I simply cannot stand some of the things the current game has now.



    Things I don't like about halo 4:


    searching system

    slayer pro why does this game type not have its own section, and also why does it have radar. Slayer pro is not supposed to have radar this makes it less pro.

    there does not seem to be any tanks in multiplayer now??? more of a question I guess.

    sometimes the game does not replace team mates that quit so your playing an unfair game of 7 vs 3 or some number like this.

    game types like rocket hogs and race needs to come back to halo 4, I don't just want to be competitive I want to have fun playing halo.

    the forge in halo is way to limited needs a huge improvement


    I just started playing halo 4 again after I quit for a few months and I'm already wanting to quit again. These reasons above are the main problems I have with halo 4, I really don't want to leave halo 4 but these problems will keep me from playing halo 4 and most likely the next one also. :no

    halo did mess up. with the matchmaking. oh how we all miss the days it had social and ranked. XD

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  4. I have the articles only in German, but you should be able to find similar reports in English.

    The first one says, that MS again confirmed that not only the games, but the consoles themselves are country bound. Meaning: if you travel, forget taking along your XBox, but more important: if you move to another country, you can buy a new console! That may not be important in America, but in Europe where people can freely move within all countries of the EU, that is a BIG issue.

    Article: http://www.rp-online.de/digitales/games/xbox-one-funktionen-im-ausland-beschraenkt-1.3473144


    But the real bomb was this:

    MS used PCs with Windows 7 and much higher evolved NVidia graphic cards to show the XBox games. Which is a real "joke" for too many reasons:

    - apparently the games were shown in a much higher quality, the newspaper claims the games in the show sometimes crashes, showing the Windows 7 PC desktop. The actual card would be a mid class Radeon 7790, while on the PC was a NVidia of the 700 series, a much faster card. (Not to speak of the irony, that Nvidia is the competitor of AMD, who builds parts for the Xbox.)

    - also apparently Windows 8 is not the system even Microsoft folks prefer, since all PCs were running with Windows 7 (ha ha!)


    Lies and incompetence.

    Article: http://www.chip.de/news/Xbox-One-E3-Demos-liefen-von-PCs-mit-Nvidia-Grafik_62563593.html




    http://www.mmorpg.com/discussion2.cfm/thread/387719/page/1  (--- topic where i found it.


    Some guy posted this on a website i found sources seem legit so i copy pasted. Not my work Just a simply copy paste Discuss? sadly i can't speak the lang but the pictures showed enough for me :P

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  5. Not going to get into an argument, but watch, Microsoft will succeed. Consumers sometimes don't know what they want.

    i know when in 10-20 years when ps5 or ps6 is out Ill still have my ps4  to play unlike my xbox one which will be a brick and all my games will be lost because of these game breaking issues. But i'm not looking at the xbox one ps4 in a sense of Which will be better i'm thinking about which one will work better in the future and if people seriously plan to go with microsoft then just wait till movies and music companies find out this and they start to make a 24 hour check in for movies and music and not being able trade or give them to your friends.


    as a consumers, i was excited for the xbox But that was short lived. i only enjoy the Xbox Live and switching from single player to multiplayer. But. I wont support a system that wont cater to the women and men who are dieing and fighting for are country Because they desire this time off to have fun offshift in a hostile land. DRM is sad i hate gamestop  what about all those small market business i guess there gone and we have yet more people without jobs.  and the issue that really pushed me from xbox one was when the ceo of microsoft came out and said well if you don't have internet theres a system for you and its the xbox 360? pure ignorance and horrible marketing No its not called a xbox 360 its called a playstation 4.


    p.s i don't really wanna argue about how bad the xbox one is i'd like opionons on how you could support such a system that only cares about themselves Hell microsoft is not going to support indie gamers unless they have a publisher...... :/  i will admit the new remedy game and titanfall are cool but more then likely both will be out for pc.


    anyways ill be buying a ps4. unless they fix all these game breaking issues because i really enjoy the xbox.

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  6. just wait to buy the xbox one if no one buys then all those features that will mess up future generations might be gone. all the stuff xbox has added the world is not ready considering more then half of the world doesn't have internet. This might have worked in about 20-40 years but not now. when the executive tells you buy a 360 cause you can't get internet is pure ignorance. i will wait to buy a xbox just because if xbox becomes popular then everyone will realize that is the new format for how games are.. Need to be online and when the xbox one closes all your games and data is gone and you move on to the next one just like a mmorpg. soon after movies and music will find a way to do these kinda features which is stupid.


    wait a few months you know xbox will launch with millions of bugs.. Once sales are down they will give in because we are in control not them.

  7. this is why i'm not going to buy a xbox one... I'm thinking about the future here not currently. Lets just say xbox one is a hit. with all these features. But what happens when we are 2 consoles in and the xbox one service is going down... What will happen to your games?  Of course they will be gone forever this is a huge problem for me. i have my NES SNES and all of my system and games for my kids or w/e i'm rdy to hand down my consoles to them and such so they can understand gaming but what microsoft is doing is ruining it in the future for games. i really think everyone should atleast wait. 3-4 months to let the bugs come out of the broken console and to just not buy it.. Xbox cares about cash and if they see there plan failed they will easyly change these features because there very easy to change. So just wait we all know the console wont be flawless from day 1 anyways. i hope xbox one fails because i do not want this kind of gaming if i buy the game its mine for ever 10 years down the road i can play it again instead of worrying about if the  xbox one internet will close and my games will be gone because you always need internet.


    my 2 cents.  i'm not caring about my gaming needs as much as i'm seeing the future. if you want a future where basicaly each new xbox is like a  big MMO that when its closed its gone forever then thats one big waste of money and unfair to future generations.


    what happens when they figure out how to do this with music and movies all because of what microsoft did?

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