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Posts posted by TornadoFlame

  1. I really thought that the weapon tuning would bring people back... It's a shame really, but if I worked at 343i I would try everything in my power to keep the exsisting population and bring back the ones who left (No more going after new fans).


    I would...


    - Fix all remaining Bugs/Glitches (In Campaign, Spartan Ops, Forge, Theater, Matchmaking, and Custom games)


    - Add Theater Support for Campaign and Spartan Ops


    - Bring Back Clans 


    - Bring back all the old Custom game options from every previous Halo, plus add entirely new ones


    - Polish all Playlists, Gametypes, and Modes


    - Update every map with new decor and weapon/vehicle placement


    - Add New maps to Playlist rotation


    - Add new armor and weapon skins


    - Make Spartan Ops Season 2


    - Make a New DLC Map Pack that has Four new maps


    - Fix Server/Netcode problems, and fix the Frame-rate issues and splitscreen lag



    ...And that would just be my first Title update out of twenty....

    its way to late to save this game. Most people have turned it away for good or traded it in. I wish they would fix the ranking system and make it visable and had social interaction then atleast me and my friends might give the game a try again.

  2. I do believe that the people who are complaining because of change are more fanboys than real fans. I don't personally like the CoD-like changes that have been made, but Halo 4 is not what some people have been calling "Call of Halo".  Think of it this way: no deathstreaks, no spawning with power weapons, and teammates can be harmed now. 

    i lol'd 

  3. played haven oddball with my team We out slayed the other team 30 to 5 But they still spawned on the ball everytime they threw it so they took a  248 point lead, we caugh all the way up to 248 when our guy throws the ball, i pick it up for atleast 2 seconds, no game over instead i was killed the ball went into my teamates hand he got assinated game over we lost.. Altho it was amazing make such a comback The other team combined for over -70 It really showed us you can be bad in this game and because of random,luck you have a much better chance to win.

  4. Okay, but have you noticed that 343i is at least reading and replying to all of the complaints? They DO care. They just expected the Halo community to be happy and thankful for such a game. They didn't think we were all immature kids who hate change.

    Why should i be happy for buying a game that was 75 percent complete don't i have a right to complain? The game has took a massive nose dive, 343 came out and said themselfs they messed up. This is the business world People aren't mature they payed 60-120 usd for there game. they have a right to whine and moan when The game came out unfinshed and they kept things from us *ranking system* ect. if this was a car company and they released a unfinshed car would they have a right to whine then?*bad example*  But like i said its been way to long since halo 4 came out for me not to worry much about it no more, i enjoy playing lame cod. i commend them for trying to attempt to fix it but i mean its not helping or doing anything judging by the online population The things people really want They are ignoring.


    look at resident evil with 6 they went way away from there horror formula and that game nose dived also it's compays ignoring what made them gold and attempting something new and not doing it right. Sadly Cod is the only company thats doing it right by Changing just enough about there game to keep having people buy it.

  5. I play Halo 4 because it's fun, not because it is titled as Halo. If Halo 4 was called something else, nobody would complain, which is what annoys me.

    because the other game wouldn't be a AAA game xbox only exclusive. If this game was called something other than halo i would have liked it but it would still be gathering dust like it does. Halo 4 only sold well because of its name sadly I want to see how halo 5 fairs with all the disapointment around halo 4.


    The only thing about Halo 4 that I dislike are Active Camo/Jet Pack and the small BTB maps.

    i used to have a list about what i disliked then i just realized its better playing other games and waiting to see if halo 5 will be any better.

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  7. No. Halo is probably the most unique FPS out there. COD, Battlefield, MOH, all more similar to each other than Halo will ever be to any game.

    Sadly it was before halo 4 maybe even reach.  Now it's more and more like them all. I will say tho the updates are somewhat helping.

  8. Its a very fun game. i  somehow found myself putting 10 hours into it on night one i haven't done that for any game in along time. according to there website it's said  if  enough people buy the game they will put in co op. And Soon they will be adding like a mmo gametype where your on a map on a server with 50-100 people. Sounds good for 20 bucks pretty Fun. Its a great game i hope it gets updated like minecraft because this is a game you can make amazing.

  9. To the OP:


    You actually contradicted yourself. If Halo 4 is dead, why are you so concerned about it? Why do you care? If you don't like it, why not step away from it and play something else? Also, if Halo had none of your 7 problems, it would just be a Halo 2 or 3 remake. I don't want the same thing over and over.

    instead we want the game to be more like other fps right :)

  10. The daily peak populations are usually between 26-35k recently but its not great considering its only been out for 6 months but is still one of the most played games on xbox live (well it was 2 months ago which is the most recent one i can find)




    Losing to a Mw3. and fifa... Terrible.  what is fifa a 1v1 game?

  11. well i played 3 games *its all i could play* I guess the weapon thing is good I never really noticed a difference. But the games i went 25 3 and 17 and 2 last game like 5 and 1. I guess its a good update... *shocked there was only 20k+ people on*

    I think halo 4 is lost and they should just address everything else in halo 5 It was a step in the right direction but way to late and so much more needs to be fixed.

  12. Or perhaps a lot of old gamers had to stop playing games due to life. There is also the fact that CoD has lag comp which allows bad connections to pwn everyone else, and a large percentage of connections are, in fact, bad. Perhaps your reasons are true, but the game itself is only half of the cause. Outside influence exists.

    if this is true then over 80 percent of halo 4 just got a life. Judging by the halo charts it went from 450k in 1month to a good 20-30k Thats alot of people who decided it was time to have some outside Fun =D now it doesn't give us a total number of how many But According to the xbox activity Fifa mw3 Beat halo 4.

  13. IMO H4 sold well, but there is more than it. Is very important the number of players that stay faithful to the game. But what games are really very played today, beside CoD and BF (mean multiplayer)?

    halo only sold well because it had the name halo.. hense why the online is almost dead. Gear of war baorderlands 2 all sports games minecraft. ect ect

  14. the only reason cod is doing better then halo is because most people when they bough halo 4 exspected to play a halo game. Instead the lovely 343 gave us a 75percent unfinshed game watered down shooter that copied many features from cod.  cod didn't do anything 343 Greediness is the entire reason. all they had to do was make a halo game that was different then any other fps and Like halo But no... Were stuck with in my eyes halo futuristic warfare. I hope 343 sees the error and understand u can't just take the halo name and load it up with cod features and exspect it to work, Halo 3 had over 100k people still when mw2 was out and I'm pretty sure halo 3 was 2 years old atm. I never touched a cod game untill reach came out because of how bad it was to me. And got into the cod franchise cause of the lack of Halo. 

  15. I would dominate you at H12&3. Quit pretending like you're a part of the silent majority that played the earlier halo's and yet has no complaints about H4.  Most people who played the first 3 religiously like I did share my opinion. 

    we gots a tuffie here guys.

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