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Everything posted by TornadoFlame

  1. most max level people ussualy boosted with guest Most of the ones i'd play aganist would go 3 and 15 vs us and when we looked them up have all there pistol kills mastered and regicide most played.
  2. a fraud to being a halo fan? can you first define a halo fan? Your the one sit who is saying total nonsense i have many friends who halo 4 was there first halo they compared it to cod instantly with sheilds but still managed to do so great. there is no tryhardness in this game No one puts in mics or anything this is a herp derp game run around and do whatever you want. ultimate noob game considering mw3 beat halo 4 in activity xbox live charts and its 1-2 years old someones mad. Oh and I'm still loling. Lets hope they fix this game and bring some social interaction and a working ingame ranking system.
  3. ehh i hated it when i was spawn trapped in halo 3 but i loved spawn trapping people in halo 3. Its so fun to learn spawns and know where they spawn tho.
  4. not interested in playing a game where i have to use 3rd party software to check a rank that should be on a 2 disc game. Such Logic 343 intellegence is very questionable.
  5. i strongly beleive had cod been unpopular or never been around halo would be doing just fine and going in the right direction. Everyone played halo cause it was the only game to offer so much now its just like every other watered down shooter only the name is halo.
  6. well i'd be playing halo 3 everyday if they fixed connections issues on that game.. But if were not able to complain about what we dislike how does the game improve? were trying to bring back this game to its former glory as being the best fps to date I'm sorry if people don't want that and are ok with watered down gameplay, Sure It might be fun but in all honestly This is not a game that should be a Triple AAA Xbox only game. If the game was named anything But halo i'd have enjoyed it Like all the other c-d rated fps out there. Halo has never been about Herp derp give everyone a broken unfinshed game then wait months and months for half assed updates. They had people from halo working on this game heck If i was running this game i would have done a much better job then them because everyone who played all of the halos knew what to have in this game for it to be successfull, When making a game you appeal to all gamers Not 1 type, You don't fix features no one complained about. you don't make all the map packs before the game is out then sell them months at a time. Its common sense. And Do whatever you can to keep that game lasting for 3-5 years like halo 3 and 2 because then you can make money of them with dlc map packs.
  7. i play mw3 only because. 3v3 is fun i can talk to the other team Its fun when they crap talk my team and realize we have a 60+ win streak legitly no quiting out and make over 5-7 teams quit out a match It's Easy doesn't require much with a headset i can do it all. This to me is fun relaxing and easy. Unlike halo 4. all halo 4 needs is in-game working ranking system and a better social enviroment and i beleive it will be good again.
  8. mw3 beat halo 4 thats pretty funny and sad now. XD
  9. Either way Halo 4 delievers a complete game with plenty of replay value to me. i stopped reading after this, i'm sorry this game was not complete when it came out, it was a good 70-75 percent complete. I'm glad you enjoyed a game in alpha stage, When i pay 60 usd i expect to play a full completed game.
  10. we don't want another halo 3 the only reason we compare it so much is because it was a very successfull game that provided everything reach and halo 4 couldn't a complete Game with replay value. all these armour ablilties and stuff would be ok if they slowly brought it out. it just seemed with halo 4 they said Screw it and gave us just about everything that wasn't current;ly broken in the halo series and made it worse.
  11. it needs to go back to halo, slowly it is turned back into halo from a futuristic cod i just hope they fix halo 5 :/
  12. because of how bad those servers are?
  13. halo 3 system worked just nicely when it had 1-5k players
  14. i thought this ranking system was suppose to put you up aganist people in your skill level? oh wait it doesn't? no wonder its not in game... another half assed feature from 343 lolz.
  15. i gave halo a second chance played for 4-6 hours and honestly it was the same to me :/
  16. they requested forge world from what i heard not forge island but xD its a map to forge sooo..
  17. just need visable ranking system and the abiltiy to talk to the other team before and after the match and halo might win my heart over again.
  18. the ar will be stronger? Omg will it just be changed to a SAW?
  19. everyone starts out as a casual player it's when there good at something do they consider it competetive most of the time.
  20. it don't work i hear people going down after winning. lol
  21. 4 reminds me to much of cod for me halo has always been about winning getting to that 49 49 and everyone staying back calling out waiting for the other team to mess up. now it's like Herp derp don't care no more get credits regardless and its just dumb, Nobody wants this codLike gameplay If i wanted this type i'd be on cod *which sadly due to this games downfall i have moved to it*. I just always considered halo the competetive game where you work to get better i started out a captain grade 3. I was really bad But i took the time to learn the game and get my first 50, Now thats all out the window you just play with no one talking and you have no idea how good anybody is. This game is just way to random to be considered a good fps shooter, I'd Love this game If it wasn't called halo but since it is it was terrible. this is not the direction i'd like to see my favorite game go. i will say If 343 listens to the fans i beleive this game can be amazing they just need to tweak it more and Listen to us instead of doing stupid crap like making a ranking system that should have been day one on my 2 disc game be on halo waypoint, I'm not going to get on my pc 3-5 rooms away after each match to see if i went up or down. Hope halo 5 is better because the way this game has gone it will come from gamefly first.
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