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    Gaming - Halo - Forge

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. AGREED! bring back fine editing! the Ls (slow movement) and Rs (zoom) buttons don't even do anything right now and they must still have the coding from reach? why not add it in an update.would make forging so much better. The magnets are good for beginners and simple forging.. but as for creating complex maps, abstract structures, smooth/curvy race maps and sculptures it's useless.....
  2. People will never be satisfied I suppose....however people speaking out about what they dislike helps games to become more refined, Forge is completely different situation to matchmaking for a start, so them examples don't really apply because the matchmaking community is notorious for being full of moaners...the forge community is full of people who don't want restraints on their creativity. The main concerns with forge are mainly to do with practicality or limitations we have been given, and the points that have been made on the whole are completely relevant... The LS and RS button currently serve no function in Halo 4 forge. Free forgers and perfectionists would agree that the fine tuning/slow movement tool and the zoom tool are essential for precision and accuracy. While the new magnet tool is good for simple forging, we don't always want things to fit together in a certain way. It's not Lego.The whole point of forge is to be creative and unique, in the long run maps will start to show similarities because the magnets give forgers a 'certain way' of doing things. You say you can make race maps, that's actually a big relief...oh, wait...we cant make the smooth/abstract/windy race map because we cant move items with fine tuning.. (if your a hardcore forger you will understand why). They probably already have the coding for the zoom and fine tuning from reach so therefore it would be an easy patch. The issues people have with map size, human aircraft etc... are all personal preferences, however the difference is they are additions people want, not changes. its not a two way situation like you imply it is, people aren't going to be like "OMFG BUNGEE YOU GAVE US EXTRA TOOLS AND EXTRA THINGS TO MAKE US MORE CREATIVE THAT'S SO OP" a dlc could easily satisfy the community and if they still complain after that, then you have the right to get pissed off. So in other words how DARE you get butt hurt over people trying to guide 343 in to a better forge through expressing their opinion. Whilst the new forge looks amazing and has some cool new features, Without the fundamentals it feels like it took 1 step forward two steps back. A simple patch for controls would shut a lot of people up and nobody is going to complain about getting bigger maps and hornet are they....
  3. Making maps is such a challenge on the new forge -_-

    1. Zelda


      Tell me about it. :( Try making the Temple of Time and hitting the top of forge while try to place a roof on the building. ._.

    2. Azaxx


      I think it's better. If the maps were a bit bigger, it would be beyond amazing.

    3. dannykirby79


      Arrrrrr no! im sure you'll make it work some how Zelda :P, I think it's just my style of forging Aza :/, I forge a lot free hand so I guess i'm just a little gutted about the lack of fine tuning (LS button on reach). Magnets are really good for certain maps though especially symmetrical ones, give credit were due :)

  4. Bring back fine tuning and zooming (Ls and Rs), The buttons don't even have a use at the moment!! it not a case of 'magnets or fine tuning' we could have them both. I wont be able to make smooth curvy race maps anymore !!
  5. epic fail from 343.... I hope they add fine tuning and zooming in a patch, they could make it so when magnets are disabled we can actually MAKE THINGS ACURRATLY. because the way i see it now, you can't make maps accurate AND unique both at the same time because buildings with magnets have to fit together in a certain way (practically lego).... sometimes magnets dont attach to things the way you want them, but you can't fine tune them fix this problem... And lets not go in to coordinates, why go through so much hassle when you could just use one button (Ls currently has no use on halo 4 forge anyway) We need to spread the word so 343 add the buttons to help improve forge!!!!!!!
  6. I think they underestimate how important precise movement is for forge. Forge isn't building blocks,we dont always want things to fit together....
  7. first of all congrats on the game, however i want to raise awareness to a particular issue so you can fix it before people notice it Whilst i am very happy with the look and feel of the new forge there seems to be a couple of essential problems. Firstly, i understand the use of magnets can prove usefull, but without the Ls button to fine tune/nudge and zoom function, hardcore forge users can't get the same level of accuracy as they could previously, i dont understand why you cant add these functions as well as magnets?? I often use forge free hand to create unique structures at an advanced level, but this is no longer possible. This may be hard to understand and may seem irrelevent to many but to hardcore forgers the minute details really do count! Whilst I do have issues with map size and vertical space i think I could cope, however without these established fundimental controlls forge seems to have taken one step forward, two steps back Combining the new magnet system with the old fine tuning system would at least optomise peoples creative capibilities Maybe for future dlc...a bigger map and capabilities for racing/any weapons on flood/more versitile game modes (id be happy to pay for these additions) If your reading this 343 please at least debate the possibility based on the fact that hardcore forge users are your main forge target market (or they should be because they create advertising through youtube showing off their FINE TUNED detail. Which brings in more creativity and more interest too the game. E.g rooster teeth halo horse..... Despite all i've said halo 4 is been great so far, just some tweaks and dlc needed
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