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Everything posted by xXMasadaXx

  1. This is ridiculous.. until you put the game in for yourselves and see that it takes FOUR body shots to drop shield, NOT three, this "argument" as you call it is just blatant ignorance. I'll put it into simple, easy to understand kindergarten steps. Halo 3 - 4 body shots + 1 headshot = death. 4 headshots = death. Notice there was a difference of one entire shot? Let's move on. Halo 4 - 4 body shots + 1 headshot = death 5 headshots = death. In Halo 4, there is no longer a reward for practicing good marksmanship, as there was in Halo 3. ...Get it now?
  2. I literally just put in Halo 3 and tested it personally... it takes 4 shots to the body to drop shield in Halo 3. Not three shots, four. However, 4 headshots will kill, not just drop shields..
  3. No.. it hasn't. Are you aware at all of Halo 2 and 3? If so, start up a custom game in either of them and see how many shots to the body it takes to kill opposed to headshots. Shields included, of course. If i didn't have good reasoning to start this thread, I wouldn't have. I know what i'm talking about. Edit: You know what? I'll admit it, I was wrong. Four body shots *do* drop shield in Halo 3. However, four headshots don't drop shields, they kill. That being said, my argument towards body shots doing more damage is still valid in terms of Halo 4. It shouldn't take 5 headshots to kill if they allow shields to drop with 4 shots ANYWHERE. Where is the balance?
  4. Clearly you're new to Halo online? In every game before this one(and maybe Reach), body shots have never done as much damage as headshots have. 343 changed that damage in Halo 4, it hasn't been that way in the past.
  5. I've been a Halo fan from the first game, and this isn't me raving on about 343 mucking things up. As a whole, I actually find myself to enjoy Halo 4. There's just one small issue that frustrates me greatly when it comes to online; the damage map. I'm perfectly alright with the Battle Rifle(and DMR) taking 5 headshots to kill; however, I'm NOT ok with it only taking 4 shots ANYWHERE to drop shields. This is completely unjustifiable. So what it takes 3 shots to the body with no shield to kill versus the 1 to the head, you now only *need* to aim for one single shot. This honestly wouldn't be such a big deal to me if it weren't for cases where you are being team BR'd/DMR'd to death from body shots and one, well placed, headshot. Body shots should never give as much damage as headshots, there is no excuse for it. This is Halo, not Call of Duty.
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