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Saint Mudknot

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Everything posted by Saint Mudknot

  1. I dont care about your k/d i just like seeing how people are doing, what they are playing and so on. Dont be embarrised, share your Spartan Cards. http://www.halowaypoint.com/en-us/players/saint%20mudknot/halo4
  2. Yes i can You played Reach campaign twice (ODST was clearly the pregame for HALO REACH), and now it was such a simple idea of a small squad of Spartans they turned it into Spartan Ops. The multiplayer levels had many issues, mostly with the way they flowed and being non memorable and also taken out of campaign. Forge world maps in multiplayer......id keep going but that game is old news now
  3. I got a pattern i go for, i got my arm and legs using the gamestop camoflodge, and then i look for interesting gear that looks great and isnt everywhere i go to play. I got stalker helm with green visor, but just got my locus helm so might use that for a while
  4. Fantastic, thanks for the in a nut shell version!!! Team Regicide sounds like a spin on classic ViP gametypes, from things like Counter Strike, but with a lime twist. very cool, look forward to trying it out
  5. See the problem is you liked Reach, and that game wasnt the same, they went back to how old school fans expect HALO to be. Sorry to hear you like Reach more cause Reach was bad (in my opinion, and most HALO fans)
  6. The changes from HALO Reach-HALO4 where very big, and brought back a lot of fans that turned against reach, me included. Reach was nothing more than Bungie not caring enough to keep the game alive, thats why they added custom maps to regular gameplay, because they didnt care about balanced maps with the contract being over. If you play slayer pro you dont have to worry about loadouts and play competitively, just without objectives.
  7. SWAT with shield, it will finally bring a form of defence into SWAT without it ruining the over aspect of the game, besides SWAT do have riot shields after all. Team Snipers with pro vision, the game is built around camping and i feel pro vision would be fair to everyone using it in this gametype. What would you change?
  8. The maps look fantastic, really excited especially for Wreckage
  9. I use DMR + Boltshot, pro vision, Mobility, Stability with my main run around class. I have loadouts to change to for other situations, and one dedicated for Spartan Ops
  10. To think HALO2 online was so superior lol, and say it didnt change much from the original? -BXB+BXR combo glitch -Super bounce out of map glitch -play as elite online -dual wield -introduction of precision rifles (carbine + BR) -Clan matches (they got removed) -New game modes, like assault The maps played better than the game itself, thats why its so memorable. If you relaunched the online today with better graphics a lot of people would be happy, but it wouldnt seel anywhere like HALO4 has and is going to keep doing. Just admit you dont like change lol
  11. my appoligies, i didnt sense the sarcasm til now
  12. COD wouldnt have its health system without HALO2, or sticky nades. and thats without watching your video. All shooter games are using loadouts too. Battlefield included. The loadout system works well and if you dont like it select a gametype without it lol
  13. so your saying that by taking out a system that customises to a gamers playstyle, specific weaponry abilities and some minor perks, and putting in a cosmetic system, that will change your gun to look like an older modeled weapon from a younger game, even more armor skins, even more hud custom options, so its a blissfest of cosmetic changes, it will bring MORE palyers than a system dedicated to change to comfort your playstyle? They removed lots of wasteful gametypes that so few and inbetween enjoyed however always can add anything in a DLC if enough fans want it, such as assault. They returned to the core of what makes HALO in campaign and multiplayer. If the game never changed with time, it would never live on, ever heard of Duke Nukem? There is lots of customizable options and if loadouts really upset you try playing slayer pro for a while i guess, however HALO is no where near COD lol, it feels like HALO to the core of the gameplay. It is not going to kill you from medium range, and this weapon is no more powerful then someone shooting you with a plasma charge from a distance and shooting you dead instantly, or charging the plasma pistol and stopping your vehicle to blow you up. The gun has a charge time on it, if it doesnt charge up full it will not fire, if its not charged the damage it dishes out isnt very powerful. Its actually very easy to avoid, maybe your just having a hard time adjusting, but its no much more different than the mauler was.
  14. Boltshot is a great weapon, it can not shoot far, maybe if you bumrush a little less you wont get shot in the face so often
  15. Sniper rifles damage vehicles, the beam rifle doesnt. A person with wetwork wont show up on promethian vision like active camo. However if they are infront of you, including an invis, will show up on your screen without a red highlight. Pioneer will only issue XP when using the ability, meaning if you only use it for a few lives in a round you will only get bonus xp during those times. Stalker's show a player after death perk only highlights them for about 5 seconds, its not long but will give more of a general direction based on the spawn and map.
  16. Well Noah in the new spartan ops episode. when the main elite (sorry dont know name at the moment) mutters an english word, he has to growl it out, this might be a good sign they use a different method than us because of the biology of the Elites at least. I cant say for the other covies such as the brutes who in your words would fit a lot better than the elites in speaking a speakable language with the human mouth
  17. All saken is saying is that yeah the game has flaws. But 343 has delivered well on there first HALO game, they really have been appealing to the fans. They are adding new game types and listening to what people are looking to play. Just calm down and enjoy the game you got. Level cap or not, you will be getting a code this week, and if you think about it at some point you are going to stop leveling, at that point do you stop playing? something tells me you wont if your that dedicated.
  18. Best game ive played in a long time, thats all i have to say. Reach was such a let down to HALO fans, except the campaign was great. However the multiplayer is one i put i the dark
  19. Well if the Covenant language is similar to the Yaut'ja(Predator for anyone whos never seen this name) There are certain words that we can pronounce with the human mouth, however due to the series of clicks they do they can say things out of our ability. With the mandables i would think it similar to them.
  20. Boosters have been caught pretty often. I feel good after seeing this knowing i only have 50 left from doing this commendaion legitly
  21. Its a promotional offer, UK and other countries get offers in games too that never come to america. If you want you can pay me for some bottles and il mail you the caps
  22. this isnt 343 industries actual website so whining for a refund wont matter, if you dont use your mic, being banned from ingame voice shouldnt be a problem(especially when its only 7 days, oh no the end of the world). If your banned from Xbox party chats, i doubt it has to do with HALO. From the way your acting, you have a negative attitude and thats why people reported you for bad voice.
  23. I dont feel she fully gone forever, i think we are just left wanting to know whats in store for Cortana. Remember the librarian mentions Cortana at being a step they had planned for millenia ago. And on top of that she had done something shes never done, enter the physical world through harnessed energy, she didnt die as a hologram and a chip.
  24. Im actually kind of glad at them taking away a form of many of these game tyes. They got back to the core of HALO, bringing back excitement for almost forgotten gametypes. And also focusing on new ones. I think with the way things work gametypes most asked for can always be implemented
  25. These are also things that can be caused by lag. The servers have been having problems since SWATs implement so it might take a day or two to smooth out. The hitboxes for the heads are fine, i hit people with the DMR across ragnarok and it works out well
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