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An Alien Fetus

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Everything posted by An Alien Fetus

  1. Ok so ive noticed your unacceptably low number of playlists along with some extremely ugly helmets and i must ask why? i know your trying to make halo your own but please don't destroy the pre-existing community, build off of it. Some of the helmets/armour are really cool, presonally the venator is one of my all time favorite but please dear god tell me your going to bring back ODST in a map pack or something. ODST are just about as iconic in the halo franchise as the spartans are. Also please clear up the whole playlist situation. Where is Grifball? i heard your just fixing server issues and then you will drop the playlists in and i hope that is true. Also im hoping you include a forge world of some sort. Well there my 2 cents, 343 if you acctually do listen to your customers then lease reply
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