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W01FE last won the day on November 19 2012

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Prophet of Regret

Prophet of Regret (10/19)



  1. again if we went your way, just remove automatic weapons fro the game, or ingame needs to be specified that the automatic weaponsa are crappy starting guns meant to cater to bads, and arent meant to be used seriously....either one solves the issue of being misled. atm they are in the game, and there is no mention of them being a skilless bore that should be ignored by anyone wanting to play competitively or skilled. until then, they are meant to be balanced. there is no middle ground here, there is no "sense" and giving us guns and intending them to be subpar pieces of **** that you oh so want themt o be. you constantly confuse your own ego with facts and its downright irritating. also, i dont touch swat, its as close as you can get to CoD crap in halo, its all reactionary and aim, not other tactical thoughts need apply...boring
  2. @Shadow15151, where did you get those stats? the only ones that match the samples ive been finding are the DMR and the schoped LR. carbine is more like 1.7 BR 1.8 LR unscoped about 2.0 again tahts from the multiple outside sourced ive been finding. could be wrong sure, but where did you get yours?
  3. the idea of switching ttk on BR/DMR is to give the BR a area of dominance with the precision weapons. would it be OP? i dont think so, tho im not a authority. i think if we had to choose between speeding up TTK and slowing it, slowing it would be better, you can slow it without it having a rippling impact on all the other guns aside from hte presicion weapons. speeding it up causing a crunch effect where if things get too close, we will have some starting weapons much closer to power weapons in the start.
  4. lol i give up, you obviously have no care for balance and will just keep parroting your same old spin like a chicken with its head cut off. enjoy living in disillusionment.
  5. ya really depends on the map, on a big map with vehicles, obviously a precision weapon with plasma pistol and probably plasma grenades. small map no vehicles, AR, magnum, frags, with stealth/camo, but dont worry i dont just sit around large map where i want to get some headshots in, same as the AR one only swith the weapons to LR/boltshot if i feel saucy and i want to sue a weapon, the operators package so they are stronger if i want to maximize my gunfight potential AR/BR, shielding, regen if i want to be a nade ***** i do pretty much what jay magnus does.
  6. just once id like to see fully accurate TTK on weapons. 343 needs to step up and provide this.
  7. lol coming from guys who say DMR should out perform all other guns so they can dominate with it. fail is fail like i said, you want to play competitive go play MLG, leave the fun and halo to the rest of us. nothing really to say here, a biased post by someone who wants to dominate with his precision weapon, which if he wants, he can do in MLG formats, stop ruining the fun of halo for your uber competitive garbage. pretty much the same, and sorry betting getting a headshot with the DMR is way easier then multitasking with the terrans, no comparison. this is complete fallacy, it would speed up the gameplay. atm any slayer time match devolves into teams camping areas with kill lanes deer hunter style and just calling out and mass DMR shooting. its not fun (and no im not saying that cuz of having a hard tiem of it, i hold my own), and its not fast. if the DMR player is hesitant then he should be getting better positioning and sniping, its a marksman rifle, aka mini sniper, it hsould be effective at close range. the fact that currently a AR user has to do what you describe but you scoff at a DMR user having to do the same (tho opposite) is also ammusing. you dont care about balance, your game would be precision/DMR only, probably something horrible like SWAT, and youd have one gun that would dominate all others punishing new players for even attempting to play the game. once again, you want MLG, have at it, fine, but dont ruin the rest of halo multiplayer please.
  8. not entirely correct, the TTK for the AR and the DMR are so close that whoever shoots first, assuming dmr player can land his shots, is the person who wins, even in close range. which makes the DMR>the other guns
  9. uck, and thats why i dont play swat, such a boring style of play, no feeling of rewarding skill when its all about how can react first and everyone is made of tissue paper.
  10. i could say the same for using the DMR, side strafe while spamming for headshots, omg...so satisfying. i dont exactly have a problem with precision weapons, and i have no problem using them myself. but its getting downright stupid how people are neglecting game balance for them wanting there precision weapons to beat all else. if thats the case, remove automatics completly please, so i dont have to deal with this crap.
  11. obviously a fully automatic weapon should kill faster then the precision weapons given CqC. buffing the AR would make it encroach on the SAW ordance drop, better to lower the ttk on precision weaposn and keep the autos the same. games too fast atm anyways.
  12. im not saying FPS games should not involve aiming, your tyring to make it only about aiming and voice chat, meanwhile positioniong and awareness should be just as important. and if its not as good, then it needs buffed obviously. im done with you, you obviously dont only not carea bout balance, you have no concept of what makes a game good. i fyou want a test of skill, you need to boil the game down to its aboslut basics. this is what MLG is doign, no sprint, all precision weapons, no specialization, etc...go play that, leave halo to the rest of us.
  13. AR or LR vehicle...i cant help but like the ghost, im weird
  14. yes lets keep buffing starting loadout weapons so power weapons have less and less of a place DMR TTK should be at least 1.8 seconds, BR 1.6, switch them, now BR dominates in its range, and DMR is still competitive kill time but effective at longer range. just buffing the BR is a comment by someone who isnt taking into account unversal gun balance or just wants a precision weapon gamestyle. buffing the BR without nerfing the DMR would mean we need to buff the automatic weapons so they still hold ground in short range gameplay, which would make them encroach on things like the SAW ordnance drop. tho i admit ive seen lots of players try to talk about how precision weapons should be the only viable guns in the game /sigh
  15. by that line of thinking the precisionw eapons are OP at long range cuz automatics cant reach that distance. i use the DMR/BR at long range to troll AR users sometimes its stupid lol cwutididthur making automatic weapons capable of burst firing at long range would be interesting, but not sure if it makes sense sadly.
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