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Everything posted by W01FE

  1. W01FE

    New Covenant

    first i think they look good. second i dont really know, but if this RUINS your experience in killing covenant you were far too attached to the game man
  2. honestly i think certain maps lend themselves to certain weapons. if you take a AR to a huge map with vehicles you either gonna stick to cover like a spider to the wall or your gonna be eating dirt. vice versa maps like haven are close quarter enough that a lot of the times you can make it work.
  3. this would be the best route. having it take down shields would make it a worse version then the plasma pistol universally. but having it oneshot at point blank range in exchange for its clip seems balanced.
  4. they obviously took ideas from CoD and other shooters, it plays a little more like then them it used to (that is to say, not at all) however, i think halo is stil retaining its identity. now if they can fix the camping problem and isntant respawns id be happy.
  5. W01FE

    1 Bullet problem

    no, BR doesnt have the range of the DMR/scoped LR, tho i can see your point that whiners might call it OP
  6. your not helping the cause >.>
  7. Ive found dominion can really help a AR brother out...forces a lot of closer range confrontation
  8. you can say what you want about ordnance drops, but the starting loadout weapons should be equal, so everyone starts at a mostly even playing field. the point of the game is NOT that some weapons take more skill then others, at no point in the campaign or matchmaking, in the menu, options, or on the cover of the damn box is that even remotely suggested. just because players think that doesnt make it true. weapons should have checks and balances essentially, strengths and weaknesses, or areas where it shines and areas where another gun outshines it. DMR long range marksmen rifle BR medium range burst rifle LR a mix depending on scope, weaker unscoped, stronger scoped carbine, single shot higher fire rate medium range rifle, a diff flavor from the BR according to this, the BR should out damage the DMR in terms of TTK, so should the carbine. the LR has faster ttk then dmr when scoped, but slower ttk unscoped. now the precision weapons are mostly balanced with eachother (minor tweaks aside), each one has a place, and none dominate over eachother. to balance them with automatic weapons, they either need to not work at close range (nonsensical) or automatic weapons need a faster ttk then precision weapons, at least at close range, competitive at medium. atm thats not entirely true, in fact everything ive seen suggests atm that DMR is 1.6-1.7 kill time, AR is about 1.7. seems like ideal kill times would make more sense to slow precisionw eapon kill times so automatic weapons dont start becoming the same thing as a freaking SAW. DMR=1.9-2.0 TTK BR= 1.7-1.8 TTK carbine=1.7-1.8TTK LR=SCOPED 1.6-1.7 TTK, UNSCOPED, 2.1-2.2 TTK automatics (assuming close range, not medium) AR=1.5 (slowest ttk as i feel its most effective at medium range of the autos) SR=1.4 (faster shield destruction, great for melee) SPR=1.2-1.3 (fastest at close range as you cannot burst fire it as its bloom takes longer to reset, you willf ull auto this even at medium range, reducing its ttk by more then the others) automatics at medium range (a bit fuzzier here on numbers, bear with me) AR=1.8-1.9 (its now about equal to BR/dmr/carbine assuming you use controled bursts) SR=1.9-2.0 (cuz of its less accuracy and inability to kill flesh as well, this kills slower at med range, but is still competitive with the DMR user) SPR=2.1-2.2 (cuz of the way its bloom works different then the other two, you cant effectively burst fire, its faster to kill with at med range with full auto, which is still not that accurate, resulting in the slowest ttk at med range) This results in the DMR/LR scoped out ranging (br and carbine outrange autos as well just not by as much) giving them the edge in larger maps for sure in medium range the BR/carbine are the best precisions for the job, solidifying a use for them with a slightly faster ttk, that is competitive with the automatics medium range ttk, tho BR/carbine can still "touch" auto users from a slightly longer range then they can. in medium range the DMR/LR unscoped have slower ttk then the other weapons, i believe this is balanced cuz of there ranged capabilties, you shouldnt want to get clsoe with these guns, and you should be afraid if someone does get close in med range the AR has best ttk for the autos, compareable with BR/carbine, the SR is still compareable with a DMR, the SPR tho is on par with a unscoped LR resulting in the two slowest TTK starting weapons in the game at this distance in close range the SPR has a TTK faster then any other starting weapon, this is compensated by the close range needed and its extreme drop off in TTK as range increases. in close range the SR has a slightly faster TTK then the AR, and is better for skirmishing for melee kills. in close range the AR has slowest TTK of all the autos, compensated by the fact that it has the fastest at medium range do to greater accuracy. I believe this would mostly balance starting weapons (minor tweaks aside) and the backup weapons would better accomodate certain playstyles, youd almost always see a DMR/LR player with a boltshot for example
  9. W01FE

    DMR Fine..

    lower its ttk to 1.8 seconds (every single thing ive seen sugested its faster then that, from 1.46-1.6) adjust BR to 1.6 now BR kills faster then DMR, DMR outranges BR. LR kills faster when scoped, slower then both when unscoped. carbine imo is still funky
  10. it will give the opportunity, which imo is needed considering you peak out and get 3-5 people spamming dmr rounds at your face from long distance. i dont see it as a bad thing
  11. at this point id go for more interesting and varied gameplay over balance. nobody seems interested in real balance.
  12. honestly i feel like this is the way to do it. and extra 10 levels to get some cosmetic armor and a support package that i have to replace with my other ones? ugh
  13. 1-i agree it needs a slight adjustment, imo a lsower ttk by about .2 seconds. 2-i agree keeping the same function, but shorter range, point blank really. 3-it has its uses, but i can see a buff to it of uyp to 25-33% without overpowering it. 4-its a lag issue, tho i wonder if there is a way to compensate. 5-they changed it, cuz apparently they want world of snipecraft.../yawn while i side strafe
  14. wetwork, now gotta figure out what to pair it with. thruster? inf sprint? cloak? id probably want to start with a assault rifle
  15. wetwork, why? for anyone who knows what a wetwork agent is thats why. only question is what do i pair it with. thruster? inf sprint? cloak? i just dont know
  16. because not everyone like jockeying for headshots being the number 1 way to play in 90% of the maps.
  17. that has nothing to do with gun balance
  18. spoken like a true diehard duckhunter. cuz you know, side stepping and ducking while jockeying for headshots is soooooooo rewarding /yawn
  19. if that was true then when you unlocked a new precision weapon it would REPLACE the older one and you wouldnt be able to use it anymore. they do not do this, therefore, they do not intend it. until they do this, nobody is gonna be able to convince me that a weapon is meant to be stop being used when you get to a certain skill level.
  20. one problem is giving the precision weapon such fast kill times that are competitive with automatic weapons. imo precision weapons kill times should be at 1.8-2 seconds, automatics at 1.4-1.5
  21. really? im not really sure how to explain this, it seems completly self explanitory. suffice to say if you give one person a rock cuz he doesnt know how to use a gun, and the other person a gun, 9 times out of ten the gun is the better weapon that will get the kill. if you want balance, there needs to be areas where the guns outshine eachother, and areas where they are worse then eachother. this is one of the main reasons the DMR needs some slight adjustment. it both kills faster then the BR and outperforms the BR in its domain, the close to medium range. essentially the only reason for the BR existing is people like it. suffice to say, if a gun cannot outshine another gun, straight up, no skill of hte player factoring in, im talking raw numbers here. then there is something wrong. slow ttk on dmr to 1.8 seconds, quicken br ttk to 1.6, there, dmr still outranges BR, BR has faster time to kill. balance edit: hell if you want real skill based balance the better you are, you should be stuck with a crappier weapon, but thats not fun for everyone now is it lol. essentially your trying tow iden the gap between avg and skilled even further, probably the casue of a lot of casual players coming around complaining about the game.
  22. that is horrible game balance actually. in that line of thought, remove every other weapon save the DMR cuz they arent good enough.
  23. ill admit i enjoyed halo CE simply cuz of the fun things i could do in it when playing with friends. however i hated halo 2 so much, hate the arbiter as well. halo 3 kicked ass halo reach was fun, but i dont care about prequals
  24. W01FE

    dmr vs br

    we dont need a fragfest, at msot lower ttk on br to 1.6, raise ttk on dmr to 1.8
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