see assuming a skillful player they CAN SPAM THE dmr with no loss to accuracy at any range close to far. I think considering the weapons current accuracy and damage and fire rate tahts too much. im not asking for a big loss to accuracy but enough so that you cant hold down the trigger and effectively snipe. this would have little impact on the DMR at close range as the accuracy loss would be minimal.
not entirely true since each are supposed to have slight differences to them. so long as the choice makes DMR a choice and not irrelevant the change doesnt have to affect the others as well.
i admit, i just woke up, so im not really seeing how this is relevant to the discussion of DMR is too powerful or not. just stating what we (hopefully we) already know
SAW is a power weapon and as such shouldnt be directly compared to the basic loadouts, its supposed to be more powerful. ill say close range sure the AR will out gun the DMR,BR. medium range its much more up for grabs, yes the AR is better at farther range now but it doesnt mean you hold down the trigger and get the kill at med range, it requires a bit of bursting to get it right. lowering its DPS. But lets not ignore then 1 or 2 shots i had to eat just to get into med/close range to begin with, maybe more as you lose no accuracy for spamming the DMR. unless we are in a magical world where i can avoid your teamates, you, your sensors to get close enough without being shot at every time. maybe if the maps were designed to equally support CQC rather then so many open killing fields.
Fact is overal DMR doesnt have a weakness and is the best precision weapon overall as it suffers no real performance loss in any situation. it needs one, if a small one. id rather it be a choice then durp go DMR when choosing between precision weapons.