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Everything posted by W01FE

  1. i like to avoid anything with really large maps or open spaces as i like CQC combat. so swat is a bg Fno for me too lol
  2. thats a bit naive, there are certainly ways to adjust it so its still its own gun. like a said a simple slight tweak to its accuracy when spam shooting at long ranges means its still accurate when the attacks are spaced, adn the accuracy loss should be small enought hat you can still fire quickly at close range and hit your target. this would essentially make AR close to mid, BR mid (bit longer then AR) to close, DMR still just as effective at med-close, with a requirement to space your shots slightly at long range
  3. obviously not, its a case of balance, atm DMR has no effective weakness. it kills as fast as the other loadouts, its more accurate, it suffers no accuracy loss, and is a precision weapon. saying its harder to use in CQC doesnt cut it as i can counter with when using a AR i CANNOT long range. that right there makes it obvious its not balanced. by choosing DMR your lethal at every level of gameplay. im not even asking for a shortening of range or something weird like unable to use at close range, im just asking for a slight accuracy punishment for spammed shots at long range.
  4. yes lets not balance something ever. fact is DMR is the best of all worlds with next to no weaknesses. you say DMR loses in CQC but ONLY if somehow the player snuck up on you, otherwise you would have already hit him at least once or twice while they closed distance. we are already seeing what sort of adaptation this is leading to tho, majority go DMR or go home save for the few taht just straight up outplay you with whatever they pick. however its only slightly unbalanced, but in a game like this thats al it needs to leave all the other guns behind. multiplayer will slowly devolve into a game of DMR slayer. DMR needs a weakness that isnt directly tied to being able to be overcome by player skill just as a AR player, no matter how skilled, cant long range with the AR.
  5. just to clarify i dont think the DMR is OMG OP, but it is slightly unbalanced i believe. Something as small as a slight bloom effect/decrease in accurasy when holding down the trigger resulting in the player needing to pace there shots at long ranges more, could balance it quite effectively without making it too weak.
  6. i think any changes should be very small as in a game like this a seemingly simple change can catapault a weapon into OP or UP territory. for instance DMR having a slight bloom resulting in innacurate spammed shots would do wonders.
  7. see assuming a skillful player they CAN SPAM THE dmr with no loss to accuracy at any range close to far. I think considering the weapons current accuracy and damage and fire rate tahts too much. im not asking for a big loss to accuracy but enough so that you cant hold down the trigger and effectively snipe. this would have little impact on the DMR at close range as the accuracy loss would be minimal. not entirely true since each are supposed to have slight differences to them. so long as the choice makes DMR a choice and not irrelevant the change doesnt have to affect the others as well. i admit, i just woke up, so im not really seeing how this is relevant to the discussion of DMR is too powerful or not. just stating what we (hopefully we) already know SAW is a power weapon and as such shouldnt be directly compared to the basic loadouts, its supposed to be more powerful. ill say close range sure the AR will out gun the DMR,BR. medium range its much more up for grabs, yes the AR is better at farther range now but it doesnt mean you hold down the trigger and get the kill at med range, it requires a bit of bursting to get it right. lowering its DPS. But lets not ignore then 1 or 2 shots i had to eat just to get into med/close range to begin with, maybe more as you lose no accuracy for spamming the DMR. unless we are in a magical world where i can avoid your teamates, you, your sensors to get close enough without being shot at every time. maybe if the maps were designed to equally support CQC rather then so many open killing fields. Fact is overal DMR doesnt have a weakness and is the best precision weapon overall as it suffers no real performance loss in any situation. it needs one, if a small one. id rather it be a choice then durp go DMR when choosing between precision weapons.
  8. I do think the DMR is slightly (and i do mean slightly) OP, and here is why, assuming max skill, the effectiveness of the DMR has no major limitation. assuming max skill, close range encounters are in the bag virtually teh same as long range encounters. meanswhile assault weapons lose effectiveness the longer they hold the trigger and the farther they get away from the target BR has range limitations (tho some argue not enough) DMR has no range limitation, long or close, and no penalty for holding down the trigger for fast firerate. it suffers no damage penalty at any range, and no accuracy penalty for any range/fire rate. its essentiallyt he perfect precision weapon. All im asking is for a flaw in the DMR. A penalty to accuracy for fast shooting would make the most sense unless someone could come up with something better.
  9. so long as im not forced to play it while i random que it up. i hate swat, its just an attempt at a CoD gameplay with headshot weapons, and i HATE HATE HATE military shooters. no automatic weapons=no fun fo rme
  10. W01FE

    Favorite Loadout

    keep in mind its still at best a mid>close range weapon, in the larger maps you may find it difficult to get good results, and dont be afraid to run away if a DMR player got the first shot on you.
  11. W01FE

    Favorite Loadout

    AR is very effective if used correctly. its still important to hit with it just as its important to hit with a DMR or a BR. your just not punished AS hard for some bullets missing since your spewing out more bullets with less DPH (damage per hit) some maps you may find you need mobility for constant sprints, but sprints are double edged swords because of that half second it takes to bring the weapon up from sprinting. often times ill use my thruster to thrust in a arc around my enemey when my shield goes down. thruster ducks (crouch animationish) and gives sudden acceleration, really screwing up that head shot the DMR guy needs. the arc is so i can get some melee in usually. lots of times my kills are from melee and not the AR itself as i used the AR to weaken him for that one punch kill.
  12. i actually dont know about this. assuming max skill DMR wins simply cuz AR doesnt have inf range while DMR's power isnt decreased with a closer fight. The AR player has to essentially be more skilled in active combat then the DMR player is on his accuracy. not too mention the openness of some of hte maps means you just dont stand a chance. ive been taking to using vehicles more when im forced into a large map...not cuz i cant use the DMR...i just hate jockeying for headshots, boring imo
  13. W01FE

    Favorite Loadout

    I dont really enjoy headshot weapons as i like to get in close to do my killing most of the time. Assault Rifle (or variant depending on my mood and the map) pistol 90% of the time for when i need to rely on some head shotting, plasma when i need to deal with vehicles thruster pack Dexterity shield faster shield regen=regenning shield before enemy dexterity=weapon switch/reload before enemy thruster pack=crazy stuff capable in close quarters People might call em noob guns, but i find jockeying for snipes boring as hell
  14. not when you factor in long range weapons, it becomes bunker down and mass DMR from max range. yes you can bust it up if played right, but it doesnt incentivise them to stop doing that strategy as the effort to bust it is greater then doing it.. more then once its been one team bunkering while the other team rushes. which makes sense of it was capture the flag i guess
  15. ive seen people say how they like it and how they hate it. and i understand both points. but what i agree with most is that it causes people to not move around. my suggestion is that ordance drops only drop in specific areas. This results in a cash grab type scenario, forcing players into conflict. having a ordnace drop only in open areas would be a good idea, great weapon could land there, but its a possible death field too. risk reward. again, im not against ordance drops, i like them, and i like there semi random nature as well. But i also like incentive to get into the fight, atm, there isnt enough of one as people tend to hide out in the same areas on not explore ever. my one and only gripe.
  16. I always enjoyed a more close style of gameplay. halo 3/reach i was the guy with sprint and ar/shotgun/plasma rifle with nearly half my kills as melee/assassinations. i find jockeying for a head snipe boring, but to each there own. so glad AR can be competitive now.
  17. ive thought about AA over dexterity, mobility is great but i also want to be able to have some edge in a gun fight. AA would depend on how much it reduces the CD on thruster.
  18. Basically i want to run a assault rifle, frag grenade, secondary weapon change with the situation. then thruster pack, dexterity, and mobility the idea of high mobility to keep the fight at medium to close range as im much better at it then sniping head shots. i was always the guy with sprint and half assassination kills in the halo 3/reach games.
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