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  1. so lame. like firefight in odst with no matchmaking. wtf is 343 doing? i dont care if you already have spartan ops which is a co-op mode. there is zero reason for the sp not having matchmaking. the campaign is so short i figured i would replay it online with 4 people only to realize 343 is incompetent and didnt include matchmaking.
  2. ign gave you a 9.8? really? id give it a 4 and thats generious. i find it interesting that the review is by Ryan McCaffrey who is an ex ms employee. conflict of interest? this game flat out sucks. the campaign and boring, uninspired and monotonous. fighting the prometheans is about as much fun as going to the dentist. seriously it feels like a choir. who thought they were fun? their weapons also suck. im only on chapter 6 and have no desire to beat the game. if i wasnt playing on legenary i probaly would have blown through it in 3 hours. what the hell has 343 been doing for 2+ years? i havent played mp yet but i would be suprised if it wasnt the same old halo camping power weapons and whoring vehicles. 343 failed so miseribly its not funny. atleast black ops comes out in a week. cant wait for zombies!
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