I COMPLETLEY agree with you. When I signed on today with the seventh halo game I've owned (Halo 4) and looked at all the maps and the forge pallet, I could not describe the dissapointment I felt. All the maps were either very small, or just overly cluttered. This makes the vehicles that are in the game almost impossible to use.. So, leading me on to the vehicles. Halo 3 had two different Hornets and Halo Reach brought the Falcon to the table, not to mention that both games had nice open maps to play with them on. I mean, look at Forge World! A massive, open map made specifically for the forge user in mind? GENIUS!!! With Forge World, the sky was literally your limit! Anything was possible! Want to make a CQB map? boom! You had the tools to do it. Want to make your own little Metropolis for some urban warfare? Pow! Wide variety of building blocks and other structure oriented pieces were there for you to use. Want to make a human cruiser on one side and a ground base on the other to create a full-scale invasion scenario? BAM! We were the artist and forge world was our nice, big, open pallet, you took that away from us 343... The level of creativity that halo evolved to is what kept me soo interested in the franchise. I look at Halo 4 now and it looks/feels like a Call of Duty enduced rape baby...