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Everything posted by Jamesh3rd

  1. I like it and i'm looking forward to a continuing stroy. I like to play solo and the horrible frienly A.I. is killing it for me. Bad drivers getting stuck on things, getting to close to enemies, not taking cover, and crossing my firing lines. Nothing sucks like having a friendly A.I. flip the warthog right at the end of the first mission and dieing or having one cross in front of you and die because he eats the bullets meant for the elite your shooting at. Worse is that elite gets a few extra seconds to kill you. I still like the game and it's not like this hasn't happened in other halos, i just hoped it would have been a fixed issue. I like saving the marines but it's not good that i'm thinking of shooting them at the begining to the mission to have an easier time. i guess i ranted a bit, oh well. Still a great game and experience overall and i'm sure all the small issues will get cleaned up. Good job 343.
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