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Everything posted by O-Bot_Monty

  1. The score could have been a bit better. Wasn't bad, just wasn't as good as the others. Having just been through episode 3 of spartan ops, I think we should all agree it's better than firefight!
  2. It's not me who found it easier 2nd time on legendary then! I think it's being more cautious; looking for ammo and the right weapons before charging in. On heroic I didn't really do that. Well said sir, especially the point on the campers. It's much harder to do that now and gameplay needed speeding up. BUT....does anyone else find fighting prometheans a bit repetitive?
  3. If I wanted to think critically I'd read War and Peace or To Kill a Mockingbird. I play Halo to blow **** up, not push myself academically.
  4. You can't expect to wield supreme executive power just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you! I mean, if I went around saying I was an Emperor because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me, they'd put me away!
  5. It is widely regarded in the gaming world that Halo is quite good....so WHAT THE HELL are the end boss fights all about?! Shooting a glowing ball with a spartan laser?! The Didect battle was 'press RB' or something. Reach was....wait to die. Halo 2 was a bit better. Halo CE: drive in a straight line.... Metroid Prime anyone?
  6. How about forerunners vs flood vs covenant vs humans vs master chief who is so ****ed off with how **** the humans are, he's gone mental and is trying to take over the entire universe. With the Arbiter. And Kazzoie (who kills Banjo).
  7. Come on it makes sense Looks almost too realistic.
  8. Just wondering if there will ever be a boy born who can swim faster than a shark.

  9. Halo 5 legendary ending will show Master Chiefs armor being taken off, only to reveal 3 grunts standing on each others heads.
  10. Most of the complaints here are that it's not Halo 2 or 3. I don't see how that's bad as I already have Halo 2 and 3. 343 Didn't get a blank cheque to re-release an old game. I think the points system works. I like the ordinance drops and sprint just....well...speeds things up! If tomorrow I wake up and decide I hate all of that, I'll play Halo 3. I'm addicted to promethean vision though so I'd probably get destroyed without it.
  11. O-Bot_Monty

    Bad Writing

    This is bad writing:
  12. I've got it! So, being the passenger in a warthog is totally pointless. But it doesn't have to be. What if instead of shooting, the passenger is in charge of the play list. He (or she) can put on some 'sick beats'. For example; 'She love you yeah yeah yeah - The Beatles' or more fittingly Iggy Pop's 'The Passenger'. I'd also enjoy a spartan singalong to Radiohead's Karma Police, especially considering the music video features Thom Yorke escaping a burning vehicle. I believe this will also add an existential arm to the games overall vibe, something that could later be brought to cinema under the direction of Wes Anderson or The Coen brothers. Any thoughts?
  13. Wouldn't that be a great name for a jazz band. Did anyone else feel that maybe a little more could have been made of the pelican?
  14. Any co-op should be legendary by default. And there should be Pelicans.
  15. Morning buggers, What difficulty is Spartan Ops set to when you're playing online with your brand new spartan friends? Obviously going solo it's selectable but I can't see anything for online co-op. It feels a bit too easy. What am I missing here? Also, does anyone else think this game plays too much like Super Mario Galaxy 2? Thanks BYE BYE
  16. I agree with all of this. I'm preferring driving it and I'm getting way more sprees at the turret. If the driver isn't on crack.
  17. I'll write a thesis on it later and hopefully once you've read all 8000 pages of it you will no longer have your own opinion on the game but will instead share mine. Then I will have you kill off the Jedis and together we will start an Empire which will be defeated decades later by teddy bears in the woods. If I write something more persuasive or conclusive will that enable you to get more out of the game? Fraggy Muffin is right.....I immediately started having less phone at precisely the moment you chimed in. Did you like the song? phone is Swedish for 'would you like to come to my pyjama party next Wednesday' Or I over heard the word phone and wrote it instead of fun.
  18. After completing campaign (do that first-standard) on legendarily heroic setting, getting spartan ops done and getting a good few hours in on war games, I've finally come to a conclusion about Match Making. It's pretty good. Nah, it's better, it's the best yet. I've played them all (badly) and this is slicker, faster, squishier, cuddlier....erm....look it's just better. Once you adjust to the weaker shield and the now not completely useless AR, this is definitely how Halo should be. Go back and play reach; it feels slow, dull and limited. Load outs work, progression works, everything just works. I could be more analytic but I'm bored now. Here's a song I wrote about the Mantis: MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS MANTIS you have legs
  19. The bloom doesn't need increasing because if you're the tit with the DMR keeping the trigger pulled, shooting as fast as possible then whoever you're trying to hit SHOULD be strafing like a badass and pulling off nice relaxed head shots. You'll go down like a flan in a cupboard.
  20. Yeah, definitely my new favourite toy. Good for taking out the Mantis I found
  21. And then there's the sticky exploding pistol thing. If my team is somehow still winning with me on it, I can really turn things around with that.
  22. Hey, happens to me all the time. Do you get an itchy melee button finger everytime a team member is just in front too? I can't help myself. I just live for "ROUND STARTED.....BETRAYAL!"
  23. Hey, just entertaining myself while I wait for 2/3 of the Halo online population to wake up. Sometimes the UK gets awful lonely. ...And I'm at work.
  24. I like my DMR like I like my coffee. Just thinking about the CE magnum gives me a boner.
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