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Pointy Rock

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Everything posted by Pointy Rock

  1. Honestly man, if you're using the assault rifle as a starting weapon...I don't think you understand how ridiculously overpowered the DMR is right now. I never claimed to play H2 competitively, I was younger didn't really even know what I was doing when I played. Despite past games, THIS game is broken and needs fixed.
  2. -----------------------------------HISTORY, NOT IMPORTANT, SKIP FOR QUICKER READ----------------------------------------- I've been an extreme Halo fanboy ever since Halo 1, although Halo 2's multiplayer is what really cemented me. I could play that game for hours. I was ecstatic when Halo 3 came out, and while it had a few issues that I didn't like, it was still an extremely solid game. In fact I played H3 far more than H2, I kind of don't wish to know how large of a chunk of my life that game took from me, but that's beside the point. I was just as excited for Halo Reach, and I waited in line for that one just like all of the previous games. I was so disappointed. Reach was unfathomably worse than it's predecessor, sure for a fps it was okay, but it was not Halo. Nor was it up to par with it either. I barely played any of Reach, perhaps two months but that's pushing it. Before I quit playing Reach I decided that despite the, what I thought to be, stupid armor abilities which made the game less fun, the real straw (or 10 ton weight) that broke the camel's back was the DMR. One simple gun ruined that game. The beauty of previous Halos' lied in the arguably balanced weapon set, and the crowning jewel, the BR. The BR was so perfect because it not only felt great to shoot, but it was hard to master. The BR required players to lead their shots depending on range of engagement, this required experience and thought. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- When the DMR replaced the BR, Halo was arguably ruined. The DMR has ZERO range limitations, has ZERO bullet travel time (Doesn't require you to lead your shots), does NOT have bullet spread, and fires insanely fast. These all are working in combination to make the DMR an ungodly killing machine. When I first started playing H4 I used the BR because of nostalgia, like I'm sure most did, but I quickly came to realize that the DMR was in it's own class. After switching to the DMR it was like night and day. With the DMR, if you can see someone ANYWHERE on the map, regardless of range, you can kill them easily. The sniper rifles are almost rendered useless by this gun as you can pop off four shots at a sniper while popping in and out of cover before they can line up a clear headshot. The laser versus anything but vehicles is a joke, by the time you finish charging, you're dead. Maps are completely broken, there is no proper map control or flow. A player does not have to come out of cover to obtain weapons for two reasons. 1. Because entering an open area in a game with people that know what they are doing equates to nothing but almost instant death 2. He already spawns with one of the best weapons in the game. Now it isn't only the DMR I'm sure, I haven't used the alien equivolent, but I can assume it suffers, or rather excells from the same isues. There are a few options to fix this glaring problem, the first is ABSOLUTELY necessary. DRASTICALLY reduce the range of ALL guns that should be mid range guns, etc. BR, DMR, Carbine. It ruins the game when players can shoot each other from across the entire map, there are just too many points of engagement and having your shield dropped within seconds of walking out from behind your base from someone sitting 200 yards away is laughably ludicrous. A section way to balance the mid range class guns would be to decrease their damage, and/or fire rate. Obviously significantly decreasing the effectiveness with the mid range guns would have an effect on everything, but I believe an entire overhaul is truly necessary. Multiplayer is just basically not fun. BTW I'm not even sure why the BR even exists in this game other than to appease past gamers. The burst fire speed is increased by so much, that it's kind of unnecessary for it to even have that function. It's so quick that all the bullets are going to go where the crosshair is when you pull the trigger, you don't have to keep it on target while the entire spread lands. Why not just make it one shot, like the DMR, it feels that way anyway. Sorry about the long rant, I just really love this game and I don't want to see it going in the way it is. While there are a few big issues in the multiplayer, I think 343 did an amazing job with other aspects. I mean somehow they implemented killstreaks in a Halo game, without ruining it. I kind of like them. That's not even mentioning the campaign. Dear God. That thing is the most amazing campaign out of any shooter in existence. Everything about it is perfect. Seeing 343 succeed so well at these things really makes me wonder how they dropped the ball so much in multiplayer. I really hope we, as the Halo community can get this changed, I know lots of us want things back to the way they were before Reach, before the DMR ruined Halo. 343 should definitely listen to it's community here, look at Reach and the failure that it was because of how broken it was. This game is going to have exactly the same thing happen to it if something isn't done to remedy the problem. People will stop playing. Hell I sort of already have, I get optimistic and try to play a few games before realizing that multiplayer hasn't magically been fixed and then turn on Netflix. Please listen to Halo's core audience, the audience that brought Halo to where it is now. 343 wouldn't even be in existence without the true Halo fans. Make Halo, Halo, and fix the multiplayer. Sincerely, Pointy Rock, and the rest of the Halo community
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