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Everything posted by PurpleOnyx

  1. Y ea it didnt fix it but thanks for the suggestion
  2. so I got all excited to play halo 4 and i got the game the day it came out and played the campain then i decided to play online and it said i couldnt cause it said i couldnt connect to the servers so i thought no big deal probaly just to many people trying to play online so i went back to campain but now its three days after the day it came out and i still cant play spartern ops or war games. ive connected like twice and when the game ended i got kicked cause the message came up saying i cant connect to the servers . this is crazy all my friends dont have any problem but i cant play online properly or play sparten ops or do custom games. WTF the problem and why am i the only one on my friends list with this problem when i have good xbox live connection.
  3. so I got all excited to play halo 4 and i got the game the day it came out and played the campain then i decided to play online and it said i couldnt cause it said i couldnt connect to the servers so i thought no big deal probaly just to many people trying to play online so i went back to campain but now its three days after the day it came out and i still cant play spartern ops or war games. ive connected like twice and when the game ended i got kicked cause the message came up saying i cant connect to the servers . this is crazy all my friends dont have any problem but i cant play online properly or play sparten ops or do custom games. WTF the problem and why am i the only one on my friends list with this problem when i have good xbox live connection.
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