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Everything posted by Jam

  1. who thinks i should change my name?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Jam


      I was thinking.that I should change it to something more dynamic

    3. haloman 2

      haloman 2

      jelly creek or jelly

    4. Jam


      Not food related.......

  2. oh yeah that makes perfect sense. i prefer finishing my art with pencil and then coloring with pastel and charcoal. i dont usually use computers for coloring and finishes but thats my preference. you have real talent. more than me. i cant get the proportions right on humans so i just draw dragons, other mythological creatures and landscapes for fun. you seem to have been drawing a while. anyway good drawing. looking forward to the finished product!
  3. i hope you dont do that by hand! lol. Want a idea for a finish? i think a faded green with light gray background, and a charcoal top layer would give it a nice dynamic look. Or are you going to finish it as just pen for shading? any way you do it it will look good.
  4. man you have talent. good drawing!
  5. I love the idea. But where will they be able to "make Cheif more human?" If you can make it so that that was incorporated into it then i would be happy. but im not complaining its great story idea and i applaud your effort.
  6. funny how the ships look like they could be from the halo universe instead. Anyway this just dded on to my interest to the game. I want it. looks great.
  7. Honestly i havent been a fan of the battlefeild series but this is enough to make me interested. i love the graphics. the story seems deep and. it feels warlike if you know what i mean. I want it.
  8. FLOWER BUDDIES. if i knew em i'd make em experience some real hacking,with my foot up their FLOWER. I'm sorry i have a zero tolorance policy for crime. those FLOWER BUDDIES. they deserve to rot in a grave full of bloody old FLOWERS who'll FLOWER em and make em realize the extent of my anger towards hackers.
  9. i still say if it is in the game it should be only in the campaign or in a cut scene. like the others have said it would make you a god in multi-player. The only way i can see it in multi-player is if they made a game type where it was the sword weilder verses seven( i said seven because it would be an eight player game) players like flood mode but the other enemys have short range weapons. and there is no one else on the sword weilders side. the object would e to see which spartan could last longest, and the spartan who's time was the longest wins.
  10. i dont know where to put this so i guess i can do it here... Okay so we know what a spartan has to go through to be what they are but what do you think that the hardest thing for them to have to endure? I honestly think that the hardest thing a spartan has to face is themselves, and how and what they are and will become in time. they went from being normal children to having no family and no freinds ( until they become allies) and they have had to face all those hardships of being looked at as gods and goddesses when they are just human. When i think about what spartans have to go through to be who they are i get sympathetic towards them. imagine the pain they go through when one of the only people who genuinely cared for you dies. it takes the humanity away from them. they are left with the pain of having to leave their past ,up to the second, behind them and go on as if nothing ever happened. my body aches for the spartans and the human side they have. what do you think? is my reasoning wrong? is it justified? or is this not the worst thing a spartan has to endure?
  11. its not ONI but Halsey we have to worry about.
  12. Jam

    Halo Idea

    epic!!! I would buy it. but it would have to follow close to the next games storyline.
  13. you know what i wish i had asuit that could take damage, clean me, feed me and keep me atj ust the right temprature. I am going to make a suit that does all of that. now all i need is money.
  14. hmmmm......... i think we should leave Cortana alone for maybe a game or two then maybe have a new version of her made in seven or eight.maybe..... i think that we are just too attached to her and we need to get over her death. I'm sure before Bungi sold the franchise they told 343 a rough storyline of what they wanted. I have confidence in 343 they wont let me down.
  15. exactly what i think but here should be a plot twist in it like The new AI doesn't tell cheif that there are fragments out there and when the AI gets to one of Cortana's fragments it attacks and causes the halucinations. Or the cheif has flashbacks of when she and he were together or something along those lines. but if Cortana comes back then Halsey has to be in it. or it'll be useless
  16. i think i've seen thread like this one before but i will say the same thing the Master Cheifs luck.
  17. i cant decide so i just chose blue team no offence reds
  18. i was gone for three days. i was lonley and had no one to talk to. they were the worst days i've had in a long time. but i'm back

  19. sega genesis, my first game was sonic the hedge hog and i was five i beat the game in seven hours, which is awful compared to my 2 1/2 hour record ive got. ever since then i have been colecting Nintendo consoles and playing Halo.
  20. i like that idea. but the recreated sentinels would have to be weaker than the originals
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