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Everything posted by powder21

  1. Ah, I see. Makes sense. Thanks for the info!
  2. Thanks for the reply! I thought I would post back in case anyone else wanted to know...I found the answer on another page while trying to find the link where I originally got the info so I could post it here. "The fine print says that you must play Halo 4 by 11:59 p.m. EST on November 20. After that, a download code will be sent to the email address associated with your Xbox LIVE account by November 30, 2012." http://www.examiner.com/article/all-halo-4-specializations-can-be-unlocked-by-playing-the-game-early
  3. Hi. So I've been informed that the additional (six?) specializations that are available in the limited edition, will be available to those with the standard edition if they connect online with xbox live (paraphrasing) before the 20th. I took that to mean that I just need to play a few matches, which I have done and leveled up to SR-6. I know that isn't much, but I figured they would show up by now since no particular required achievements are specified in anything I've read about this. However, the specializations are not there. Please understand that I am aware they would not be unlocked. My issue is that they are not even there, and it was my understanding that they should at least show up now with the lock symbol like the other two specializations. So.....am I missing something? Please help, thanks.
  4. powder21


    Hi. I'm new to consoles. Left the PC gaming scene many years ago when free time started getting scarce, but decided a year or two ago that consoles were worth the measly price (in comparison to gaming rigs back in the day), even if I wasn't going to play much. Since then, only played games for the story and not a lot of them. Anyways, just got Halo 4 and decided I'm gonna get into doing some online gaming again. Realizing that I'm once again a complete n00b, I figured I might want an account here...especially since I've already come up with a question that I can't answer (see Halo 4 forum where I will be posting said question) Nice to meet you all
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