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Everything posted by natbea09

  1. With the new ranking systen how do u state how good you are? Before you could just say "im a 38 or whatever u were" now u just say how much xp you have? Which doesnt even reflect how good you really are.
  2. But h4 isn't better than cod. Its a copy of cod and everyone knows that copies degenerate from the original.
  3. I am an old school halo 2 fan and player along with halo 3. I feel the sameway as the OP. I never owned a copy of halo reach, and now h4 is a copy from cod. Its still a good game, but what happened to halo being original? Halo is just.like cod/gears now. And the ranking system also takes away from the competitiveness. I still play hard, but the motivation is very low.
  4. I dont think another halo will be as good as halo 2 or 3. I miss the old ranking systems and how legendary uaed to be hard. Halo 4 is a rip from cod and even gears. Ill still play but i must say I am dissapointed too!
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