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  1. 343, In away Halo has represented stepping stones in my life. The first Halo came out when I was in middle school, the second high school, third college, and yours, which came out at I time when I have begun my life as an individual and a career oriented man. The Halo universe has meant so much to me over the years and remains a huge part of my life. The community and the characters are near and dear to me. I have always looked forward to the next halo and the next adventure. Needless to say I was heart broken and scared to learn that bungie was no longer pursuing the Halo franchise. But I am pleased to say that they could not have left it in more capable hands. I can see from your game that 343 takes great pride in its work. I was moved by your game and the experience and I look forward to your work in the future. I could not be happier and I wish you the best of luck on future endeavors. Thank you so much for the experience. Sasquatch
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