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Ludvig von Sparr

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. For me there are a few things that makes me not want to play the game as much as I did in Halo 2. First of all the playlists. I really would like to see a good FFA and double team to be added into the game. The current FFA in the game is just crap really. We need a good FFA Pro playlist with 6 or 8 players. This is great when you don't have a friend online to play with. I'd love Double Team to be put back into the game because me and my friend loved played Double Team in the other Halo games. It's pretty hard finding a group of four players to play 4v4. Second I would really like the leveling system to change. It is sooo causual friendly ! Someone can be the highest level and it doesn't mean ****. You could have lost every single game and still be the highest level. You just have to play alot and there you go! In Halo 2 if someone was the highest level it was a real achievement except for all the cheating bull**** that happened in Halo 2. Right now there is no real reason as a competitive player to play Halo 4. Sure leveling is fun but when you know that the levels doesn't mean anything it doesn't make you want to play and get better. And that you can unlock new weapons and stuff is really bad aswell..we obviously want the game to be as balanced as possible. Someone shouldn't get to have better weapons than someone else. The loadout is really bad as well. It works the wrong way. If you are in the lead and are winning against the other team you get rewarded for that and get good weapons and stuff that makes you win even easier. We need levels that mean something and like a ladder with rankings showing the best players. That makes you want to play more > get better at the game > win more and be on that list ! Please change this !!!
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