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    I3bSI Zaifer

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Grunt (1/19)



  1. I agree with above. On all the points that he mentioned. Competivity is needed and the current rank system isn't sufficient. Add these three. 1. Free for all (with it's own ranking system) 2. Double Team (with it's own ranking system) 3. Remove loadouts I also dislike the loadouts, that's the worst idea ever. Putting that in a halo game removed a lot of the fun/balance and took away the it's classical feeling for me. Halo is absolutely not what it was before. Controlling weapons and grabbing them at their spawnlocation is something I saw as special for halo. That was an essential part of the game, where you took certain positions while holding powerweapons to have mapcontrol... My good feedback would be the nice graphics. I just love it although I can't bring myself to enjoy the game as much as I would like to without the two brackets mentioned above =/. Remove loadouts and add those two gametypes with their own rankingsystem. We need competivity so don't make the game so damn casual.
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