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Everything posted by Tripleblack

  1. So I love the change that your team can't troll you by shooting you anymore and no more random nade betrayals but the problem that still exist (and is now bigger than before) is that *teammates* can grenade / shoot your vehicle and blow it up but not kill you. So in turn, if they get mad that you took "x" vehicle they can just blow it up and ruin your fun but now it doesn't kill you so you cant boot them for betrayal. Yes I understand its not 343's fault that you get degenerates in matchmaking but I don't understand why they took out betrayal from bullets and grenades but leave in being able to blow up your own teams vehicles. So options I have come up with to fix it 1. Take out all friendly fire completely (you can leave in splatter betrayals as it is prompts a betrayal that you can boot with) With this, it leaves the trolls with nothing to do but mourn by themselves. 1.a Even take out splatter and do away with betrayals as they will be non existent 2. Bring back the ability to die from teammates other than splatters (so if they blow up your vehicle you can boot them and be done with it) 2.a Make it where normal spartan to spartan fire is still off but make it where if they blow up your vehicle it will prompt a boot / betryal 3. Make an in game vote to kick system (but then again if no one sees it nothing will happen) Now option 1 makes the most sense to me, why take out spartan to spartan friendly fire but leave spartan to vehicle and vehicle to vehicle friendly fire and then on top of it not making it kill you. Option 2 would still leave the problem of teammates being able to grief vehicles but in turn they can get kicked. So all I ask is a way to either make it where you die from trolls so we can boot or that trolls can't harm vehicles at all. P.S. Great game besides this problem
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