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Everything posted by Fearthepanthers

  1. Maybe I am confusing the DMR and BR, but again, they are both similar weapons. Just consistently getting shot from the other side of the level
  2. Did you even read my post, or just post back? Because from the looks of it you saw the title, got upset, scanned for one word and posted. Sadly, I believe COD and greed has ruined this game. 4 maps? really? 4
  3. None of that was an option last games, unless you chose the BR only games.
  4. I was an avid Halo fan prior to this game being released. I played every halo game up until Halo 3. I used to play Halo 3 for hours. The game was amazing. Upon hearing Halo 4 was coming out, I was excited and pre-ordered from Amazon. I thought Halo 4 was going to be like Halo 3 and the past games. Boy, was I wrong. Multiplayer on Halo 4 consists of one thing and one thing only, the Battle rifle. The BR has made this game impossible to play because if you do not want to use that particular gun, you are screwed. In Halo 3 I used the assault rifle and was pretty darn good with it. In halo 4, I can't get any momentum because after a battle with a player, I am hit from across the level and killed with the battle rifle. I will, most likely, be returning this game for these reasons: 1. The battle rifle is the only weapon that can be used in the game. If you are not proficient with the battle rifle, you will never be able to get kills. 90% of the time I get a kill in the game, I get killed from the opposite side of the level with the battle rifle. 2. There are only four multiplayer maps for slayer. I guess because of the day and age we live in, everyone wants you to buy more maps so game companies can make more money but to sell a game with only four maps is ridiculous. What is the replay value of the game if there are only four games? I guess the creators want me to spend my money on more maps instead of giving me some from the beginning. 3. The assist system. I cannot tell you how many times I have nearly killed someone only to have another player take the kill away from me. Sure, this happened in the old halo games, but because of the new Halo 4's overpowering of the Battle Rifle, kills get pilfered from me more often than not. Normally, my game stats look like this 11-9-13. How in the world can I get 9 assists in a game CONSTANTLY? I can understand from time to time but it happens nearly every game. 4. The lack of close battles anymore. It feels as though I am always getting battle rifled from across the level. The joy of Halo in the past was the close range battles. Sure, there was sniping from time to time, but EVERY player was not using a battle rifle. 5. Allowing battle rifles to be used as a basic option for your load out. I remember when, if you wanted to battle rifle you had to find the gun and then use it. If you died, you had to either find another battle rifle or pick up the gun you previously used. Now, when you die you get the battle rifle back immediately. 6. The lack of options to play non-battle rifle games/swords/pistols. I remember a lot of the fun of Halo 3 was the games that were swords only. Where did this go? In Halo 4 there is no option. All I have is pick one of the four available maps and play. [Yes, I know some games like the larger team games, etc. have larger maps, but when did it become okay to release a game that had maps for only portions of the game. Maybe I only want to play slayer? Or free for all. Do I really only get the option of four games]. Sadly, this game will most likely be returned and I do not think I will be returning to a 343 led Halo in the future.
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