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Grunt (1/19)



  1. Not at all. Campaign was boring and legendary was too easy. Biggest complaint is the multi player. Kill cams show the guy doesnt even have his reticle on me yet every bullet connects. Head shots do nothing. Some players seem invincible at times. Example. I was using a BR and so was my opponent. I shot first. Hit him with 2 burst before he started firing and yet he killed me without his shield even breaking. I hope alot of this gets fixed otherwise I'm trading it toward BO2
  2. I would agree but it just happened again. 5 times in one match. Guy was just firing away and hitting me. Same guy everytime
  3. I'm a big fan of the halo franchise and many fps games. However with that being said, i have noticed in the past few days and even in my last game today that when i die even in one on one situations and the kill cam comes on. That the persons aiming reticle is not on my character at all yet it showed red the entire time. The last death the guy was using a DMR and his reticle was to the left of me the entire time until his last shot. Am i missing something or is the kill cam inaccurate?
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