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Isaac Kleiner

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Jackal (2/19)



  1. *nerd voice* "omg it adds a new dynamic gameplay is a interesting and motivative!1!1!1!1!" No, it doesn't. All AAs and perks do is piss people off. About to kill someone? Oh I can just pop out a shield, you jelly of my anime hair and ADD bro? About to shoot someone with a rocket launcher? No worries, he can just fly up with his jet pack. About to gun someone down? Who cares, you can sprint away. Wanna farm kills on King of the hill? Get 3 nades with increased dmg Wanna see where the enemy spawn? No worries, you can see throw walls.
  2. Hey I've been playing a lot longer than you reach noobs have. And I miss the balanced competitive game known as Halo. Remember BRs on Lock out? Good fun? What do we have now? Custom Classes Perks Armour abilities No ranking system Sprint Care packages Why do we need this? Why did they make this game so unbalanced and unfair? Catering to the bads I see. Anyway I would love a "HALO" game for Halo 5.
  3. oh ffs halo isn't halo anymore. get it through your skull reach ***
  4. Loadouts are becoming standard? Yeah, standard in your average ****ty generic console FPS.
  5. The game is still plagued with bull****.
  6. So is it just me or has Halo not been fun since Halo 3? Yeah they brought back the BR, but you brought a lot of other bull **** along with it. -Custom Classes: What is this Call of Duty? No Halo is supposed to be you spawn with a specific weapon and you go fight for a better primary or power weapon. What happened to the good **** like Team Slayer/Team Slayer BRs on "x" Map. -****ty Leveling System: No longer a ranking system that shows true skill, just how much time you can spend playing a game. CoD anyone? H3 had a 1-50 scale ranking system at least. You made it to a General in H3, that was something to be proud of, that took skill. Now any loser can be the highest rank in the game, they just have to keep playing. -Armor Abilities: Ever since reach these stupid things have been ruining Halo. Look at me I can see where your at across the map with my *bleep* vision, and I can spawn a turret by putting my chest in the air, and don't forget my armor can put a little sphere around me to help me with my health problems. What ever happened to the Bubble shield, Regen, Power Drain, etc? -Joining games in progress: I've played roughly 50 games, I have yet to find a lobby just waiting for the game to start, I always join games where my team is getting their **** kicked in. I miss the fact that if your made a person rage quit their team gets put at a disadvantage. I can keeping complaining about this **** all day, but suffice to say R.I.P. Halo. Apparently to make a game sell make it look like CoD and you will get good numbers. Disagree with me? Its obvious you never played Halo 1 or Halo 2.
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