So is it just me or has Halo not been fun since Halo 3? Yeah they brought back the BR, but you brought a lot of other bull **** along with it.
-Custom Classes: What is this Call of Duty? No Halo is supposed to be you spawn with a specific weapon and you go fight for a better primary or power weapon. What happened to the good **** like Team Slayer/Team Slayer BRs on "x" Map.
-****ty Leveling System: No longer a ranking system that shows true skill, just how much time you can spend playing a game. CoD anyone? H3 had a 1-50 scale ranking system at least. You made it to a General in H3, that was something to be proud of, that took skill. Now any loser can be the highest rank in the game, they just have to keep playing.
-Armor Abilities: Ever since reach these stupid things have been ruining Halo. Look at me I can see where your at across the map with my *bleep* vision, and I can spawn a turret by putting my chest in the air, and don't forget my armor can put a little sphere around me to help me with my health problems. What ever happened to the Bubble shield, Regen, Power Drain, etc?
-Joining games in progress: I've played roughly 50 games, I have yet to find a lobby just waiting for the game to start, I always join games where my team is getting their **** kicked in. I miss the fact that if your made a person rage quit their team gets put at a disadvantage.
I can keeping complaining about this **** all day, but suffice to say R.I.P. Halo. Apparently to make a game sell make it look like CoD and you will get good numbers.
Disagree with me? Its obvious you never played Halo 1 or Halo 2.