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Jackal (2/19)



  1. I agree with 1-4. Face it. Halo 4 is a total CoD clone. Arguing is stupid. Yet it's fun. I like perks, but they are unbalanced. Pretty much all the guns in the game are OP so really none of them are. I like sprint. I also always get sucky teammates but that happened in Reach too. As for ranking. Pretty much all ranking systems prove how much of a no-life you are. I mean, that one guy said he is rank 41. I've no-lived it for the last week and I'm only rank 32 or so. I doubt you can even be 50 and still say you didn't nerd out and eliminate all social interaction since release.
  2. Spartan Ops is a joke. There is no story. Period. It is literally nothing more then just killing stuff and... Yeah, that's it. It's not Ops at all. It's basically just slayer with AI enemies.
  3. I have mixed feelings about the campaign. Up until the last 2 or 3 missions, it is quite boring and story is practically nonexistent. But then it kicks off and gets awesome up until the end which did not impress me. I am fine with the campaign because it is Halo. In general, Halo campaigns are weak in comparison with most other games I play. I play it for multiplayer and campaign is just an added bonus.
  4. Cut and pasted from Reach? I wish it was that good. It isn't even up to par with Halo 3 forge. They went all out on map design but botched the actual ability to forge.
  5. The maps are gorgeous. Yet they are unacceptably small and restricted. I want to be able to forge on anything I see on all the maps. I don't want to look at an awesome canyon full of water. I want to make an underwater base there. I don't want kill boundaries anywhere... I want to go to all those spots with awesome potential. Erosion? Hell, I want to be able to go up above ground too. I want more space and more access to cool areas.
  6. I just made an account to give my $0.02 on the Halo 4 "Forge" mode... It is complete and utter garbage. They could have done so much. They could've had one of, if not the best game of the decade, but instead they just botched it. The three maps are cool. They all have look great, have decent graphics, and you'd think they'd have a ton of amazing potential... But then you realize something. These are barely even maps. They are more like interactive artwork. You can admire so much, yet you can't do crap forge-wise. The maps are dreadfully small, except for the space map which is boring and could be much larger. But also, they are inaccessible. You can't even go to any of the cool places because of the "return to battlefield" warning. I don't want to look at the islands and water out there. I don't want to see a pool of acid or a cave. I want to go there. I want to build my map there. I expected 343 to come up short, but this is beyond unacceptable. Even slapping the title "Forge" on this trash is a puke-stain on the shirt of Halo. I expect to have access to almost everything I can see, and I want my boundaries to be more discernible. Then, you have the actual building. They managed to botch that up too. They added some features, but they also removed some features and gave you basically the same stuff from Halo Reach to build with. And the color and texturing, as well as the variety/options are not acceptable. Whoever had anything to do with this should be fired. If I wanted to wow people, I would have actually put some effort into my forge mode. Landscape editing, block editing, effects, and of course a lot more room and materials. My forge would be a legitimate map editor like what you have in LOTR BFME2 or Farcry to a certain extent. If someone wants volcanos, then give them volcanoes. I want people to not only be able to build maps, I want them to be able to create scenarios or missions. Mix BFME, Farcry, and Halo together and you bed have yourself a bitchin forge. It'd take some funding and certainly a lot of time and effort, but it would be a kingpin among games and sure to bring in tons if customers. Regardless, forge in its current state is garbage and 343 should either be extremely ashamed or working their butts off improving it. One thing I don't get about this game is the ratings and fanboys. It's ridiculous. 9/10? I'd give it a 6/10 and that's only because the heavily CoD influenced multiplayer is fun and well-made. Campaign isn't amazing like everyone says. It's got a slow and very generic story, plenty of issues, and it's short. It's decent. Spartan Ops is embarrassing and sucks compared to Firefight, but it's acceptable for what it is (generic no-story objective of killing stuff). Multiplayer is great despite its CoD roots. And Forge of course is... Well, not forge, that's for sure. All in all, this game is maybe $40 in value. You basically buy multiplayer and then get Campaign and Spartan Ops as added bonuses. Then they throw in the scraps that compose Forge at no charge. I want Crytek to handle Halo. 343 can just take care of the multiplayer.
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