Im not from the "Matchmaking Community" i was just angry they deleted Invasion and added those stupid playlist that no1 wanted, and they released DLC Maps that no1 ever played after like 1 month. Wasted maybe 400 SEK on those maps and that is pre much for me :/
And i know the Racetrick thanks to THFE but a fully Race gamemode would make it much more simple.
There was a Racemode in Reach, why delete it?. When making the "Next & New Game" in a series of the same gametypes 343 should add more and not delete things such as a big open Forge World and UNSC Flying Veichle.
I am on the Forge & Custom Games side and Forge & Custom Games has always been one of the biggest thing from Halo 3 to now.
Halo 3 Had Foundry and Sandbox as "Open Forge" Maps and there was Tricks player used, In Halo Reach Bungie took those tricks and made them to tools. they added more stuffs to reach forge, like the Forge World. But now Halo 4 Came, and they didn't make the Forge bigger. instead 3 small maps, they deleted human flying veichle, the only new things in forge was Mantis and Magnets.