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Everything posted by haloakbar

  1. Hello, i am from france and sorry for the mistakes i am about to do but i am sick of this multiplayer game which is so unfair.Can somebody explain me how you could have been 50 at halo 3 and go negative 10 on halo 4?????????????? It seems like difference of connections are so big that i aint able to finish a guy who is one shot... There is nothing to work on on the maps, no spawn for the weapons, nobody has got amike to give positions etc Everything that made halo halo has desapered( i appreciate the br returns though). Lot of work has been done on this game but not in the good way, i want to play halo and not COD, everything is so bad no team doubles, no team snipe,vehicules in bug team with no laser,no rank system... I m really disapointed by this game and i m afraid that the 250000 persons playing at it are going to disapear as quickly as on reach. By the way only four maps in slayer is just taking halo players for dumb......
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