Adapt, OP.
Except for those team killers, just blast them to hell using any means necessary!
Even if you lose don't let them get away with it!!!
Take your sermons somewhere else, pal.
As for the xp cap, I've noticed changing your time zone by 12 hours seems to work at least once. I live in Helsinki, so I changed my xbox timezone to +14 Kiribati (or something) and poof! XP cap is gone.
Like I said on another thread of similar nature;
Learn to adapt to new game mechanics and if you get facemelted because you couldn't, don't come over here to make one of these pointless rant threads.
Okay, I'll be be the first to say it.
This is obviously a rant thread of a player unable or unwilling to adapt to new game mechanics, thus getting killed a lot online, until he/she decides to come ***** about it in the internet.
Number 5 is supposed to be the darkest game of the trilogy, so I wouldn't be shocked to see the flood return in some way. As for the Arbiter coming back -- I hope not, at least in as big a role as Halo 2-3.
I hope the Chief doesn't get a partner. He already had one and nothing or no one can match her. If, for example, the Arbiter would appear to take Cortana's place I'd consider it pretty lame.
People keep attacking the entire campaign -- calling it a disappointment and failure -- just because Cortana died. Nobody is glad she's gone, least of all me, but it wasn't a bad way for her to go.
You just have to deal with it and move on.
I'm going to have to agree with you OP for reasons you stated, but also because I fear if 343 did bring her back it would too cliched or cheesy.
People, and AIs die. We just have to accept it that Cortana most likely won't return.
It's when you play hours straight and collect a certain amount of xp.
On topic; I agree it needs to be removed. It's even more annoying if you hit it when you complete a high reward challenge and get no xp.
Sorry you see it that way, OP. I really enjoy H4 so far though sometimes I need a retreat from the armor abilities and thank god there is pro slayer for that.