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Reach 4the halo

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Everything posted by Reach 4the halo

  1. Halo 1,2 and 3 were all great reach's only downside was bc of the load outs like sprint and jet pack but it was alrighht. Now halo 4 took everything bad about halo reach, added cod perks and other clownish features that truly turned the game into an utter **** show. That said I still play halo bc it's pretty much the only game that appeals to me. I am incredibly proficient in every halo and am sorry to say 343 I liked reach it was bearable, halo 3 was better but you guys RUINED halo 4. I mean you guys are gonna be bankrupt if you keep killing games like this.
  2. When I firs played h4 it reminded me so much of a cross between unreal tournament 2004 and cod because the maps and guns seem so much like an unreal tournament (so many weird guns in darker unorganized maps) and the play style like cod (running abilities, perks, upgrades, and basically a form of a kill streak perk they call ordinance packages). Even the loading screen per-game is so busy and unorganized......someone was trying to do way too much Regarding the pit.........best map ever Okay so 343 if ur listening here's what to do 1. No load outs nobody likes them, how can the chief use promethean vision anyway he's a spartan 2. Ordinance needs to go the way of the dodo bird... What's a dodo bird, I know 3. Friendly fire ON 4. Ranking system that's skill based 5. Balanced Maps with guns that teams fight for like rockets 6. No instant spawn, u should wait 5 seconds after dieing, do u know how many foes I've one shot after spawning can u say cheap? 7. Try to not overburden maps with a yacht load of different weapons but focus on spartan weapons as we are Spartans 8. Have at least ONE game type like this and I promise people will play 9. Energy regen is foggy wtf is up with that, put it in the middle of the map as a pickup and were good 10. Where is the bubble shield guys? Remember don't make it a load out 11. Don't throw players into the middle of games what is this cod? 12. The maps are a little cluttered(ie solace, abandon,) but I think sprint contributes a lot to the cluttered feeling. 13. I understand you guys wanted to do new things and you did but load outs, perks and ordinance a.k.a. Everything cod has isn't the answer, no one wants to play a halo3/mw3 hybrid game.
  3. Yeah the new ranked system on halo 4 should stick to no perks, no running, limited number of guns (ie br, assault, pistol, shotgun, alien pistol, rockets, sniper, and sword), no ordinance packages, placing the power weapons ( rockets, sniper, sword) in the middle of the map so you have to fight for the power, and lastly weapons need to be placed around the map and not disappear when you get killed or drop them. And what happen to bubble shield and power drain....are u kidding me, that was one of the best parts of h3
  4. I have been a halo enthusiast for a very long time now I played halo ce as a kid. I am a very competitive player first and foremost and I think that is important to consider with my review. I play halo 4 and I like the game but I don't know how much longer I will be playing it hopefully it grows on me. With that said here's my likes/dislikes vs halo 3 Halo 3 was simple and very halo for the lack of a better word. Halo 4 has adopted c.o.d. Policies and has the feel of unreal tournament. The major problems arise in the same manner as the recent election. When you end up trying to please everyone(Obama) u end up pleasing no one. Where's if you make the system or game competitive people get really excited and work hard/play hard(Romney). I hate politics but it made sense for this and I didn't vote for either so don't judge me. Halo 3 you had nothing given to you you had to earn it. Now you are given loadouts with 100 different options and 10 new reasons to camp (ie invis, bigger radar, promethean vision ect). Remember when you couldnt camp right out of the whole because you would get rocked by rockets ifnyou did. Rushing rockets and sniper was half the fun of halo. Now we just give those things to you for free completely unearned. This leads to not knowing what people have and therefore no idea what to prepare against. And sprint makes for a lot of chasing and a lot less fighting. There are also more weapons in halo 4 than it needs I mean 4 different long range rifles with be, Dmr, light rifle, carbine. I mean come on did we need an alien shotgun identical to a normal shotgun ? I just want halo to be competitive again. Don't get me started about ordinance packages that would take me 5 pages to talk about how dumb those are. The ranking system is a total joke and I could go on and on about other things but I would like to know what the community thinks about my review.
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