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OMG Treason

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Everything posted by OMG Treason

  1. Well then dont get within a range you could beat by one.
  2. Carbine would be point and pull trigger as fast as possible.
  3. I really dont care more people to play with.
  4. Wow its nice to see an uplifting thread for once.
  5. Its only annoying when on a small map, like wreckage i was going in for the overkill with my shotty and got lollag killed by a bolthshot. It dont really need a nerf.
  6. I got a better one than my previous one, when my BK teammate grabs the snipe then wastes 8 bullets to kill 1 guy. Yeah you are so HARDCORE.
  7. Well to deal with the shielding use the shielding perk, that's what I use.
  8. I liked the more War type of feel in the other games, like actually fighting for humanities survival not.. running around after some floating ball.
  9. I have no issue, I have like a 2.55 K/D now.. I barely die everyone on here complaining is just butthurt because they think they are good but they actually arent as good as they think. I mean God forbid the boltshot killed you a couple times...
  10. Carbine is pretty good in my opinion.
  11. I like it reminds me of VIP. I approve.
  12. I think this sounds like a great idea especially for spartan ops.
  13. For the last time the gun is fine each secondary has a niche.
  14. This sounds really cool I would love to see it implemented into the game.
  15. Well no its part of the game.
  16. Would you prefer it sounded like star wars? I like most of the new sounds except for the G hammer.
  17. Thruster pack allows me to escape what otherwise would of been death.
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