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OMG Treason

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Everything posted by OMG Treason

  1. Needs new maps and Environments. The lack of new places really ruins it for me.
  2. Well I never did have a 50 in H3 I never had the time. However my K/D in this game is a 2.25 or so. (It fluctuates) I think the key is sticking with your teammates so you cant get overwhlemed if there whole team is running at you and you cant take them out, well sometimes its better to be a coward and wait for your team to come. Especially in BTB.
  3. I think the firerate on it should be toned down a bit. They may aswell have never given the thing bloom imo..
  4. The Boltshot imo is not that much of a problem..
  5. Alrighty, don't get me wrong I love halo 4 I think 343i did an okay job with it but tonight was not my night; which means I could really get nitpicky with the game. I'm going to go off on a little rant here if you don't want to read it stop here. P.S. before you go off saying I just suck i hold a 2.25 K/D so I consider myself fairly good at the game. -Map selection. Tonight I became quite bored and angry with the game because I got nothing but Exile and ragnarok I kid you not every game in BTB. So that kinda miffs me seeing as those maps get old real quickly. -My lousy teammates. I find it hard to believe anyone on my team had the slightest clue as to what they are doing. They mayaswell be cabbage rolling around on the ground. I kid you not my team even had someone named Kittylvr4life who went 1-20. Seriously... I have no words for that. Power weapon ordnance. I had two games on Adrift were the other team did nothing but sit in their spawn with power weapon earned ordnance and my team being dumb as posts got kill farmed by them. I don't blame the other team though why move around the map when it can be delivered to you. -Lightrifle. Why does it have a 4 shot ability were as the others do not. -DMR thank god it's getting nerfed why use anything else? -why is my banshee paper thin? -Can we please fix the Spartan Ops lag, when I want to kickback and not play mm I must endure frustrating lag. No fun. -why is spartan ops the same maps over and over? Again I'm not saying I hate the game I love the game. These were the things that just miffed me tonight. Thanks for enduring my rant.. -Treason
  6. Yeah the killcams are extremely borked. Guess it doesnt work so good in this game now does it 343i?
  7. *Sigh* Im kinda getting tired of these threads. Its really not that call of duty like when you break it down. All games use loadouts now pretty much. They will have a True skill rank system. Yeah the join in progress I dont really like. The core mechanics of Halo are there, but games change, either change with it or play something else. FYI I did play Halo 1 and 2. -Sincerely A true Halo fan.
  8. Killionaire in Grifball is like beating a blindman at basketball.
  9. Yeah I have like a 44% W/L from games started and lost. And of games completed like a 60% W/L
  10. I think they did it just right with this gun.
  11. Migrating Hosts.... (sometime this year it may or may not happen just keep waiting, go get a sandwich prepare dinner go to the bathroom)
  12. Well unless you have Damage boost or the Binary, you have to hit the head.
  13. I prefer thruster pack, though I wish we still had Evade..
  14. BR. The runners up are Railgun Beamrifle Shotgun Scattershot Binary Rifle.
  15. Team Regicide.. so VIP? I like.
  16. I think dedicated servers would help. I dont know why considering the millions they made off of Halo 4 you think they could spend some money on dedicated servers.
  17. It really isn't that much like cod at all you are right.
  18. Yeah, it was so bad one day I couldn't even play 4v4 slayer cause I'd get stuck everytime. I miss 6v6 slayer 4v4 be to small They also might I add can't kill a banshee or ghost in one made now which is annoying. I still thInk they need a heat seek Nerf cause it is out of hand in a vehicle like the warthog.
  19. Well You can always just return it if that's a big deal.
  20. Good commentary man keep it up.
  21. They kinda get annoying its like they heat seek now.
  22. Vortex is the only map I dont like.
  23. You werent crying.. you were just sweating through your eyes.
  24. Yeah I hate it when I play objective and no ones actually playing objective
  25. BR/Magnum Shielding Ammo Thruster pack my personal favourite.
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