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OMG Treason

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Everything posted by OMG Treason

  1. Well I have a 2.20 K/D and I use the BR not exactly seeing the problem there. It is by far not the worst game you have ever played trust me. Sure the game has its issues but thats no reason to get all upset about it. It had issues they have been pointed out.. the first day infact like multiple times, so lets build a bridge and get over it.
  2. Lol Rocket race being a core gamemode of Halo. What are you smoking and where can I get some? Seriously, enough of this bagging on the game. Honestly, it could of been much worse. Theres alot to like about the game if you sit and nitpick you will never like anything.
  3. -Headlong -Guardian -Highground -The Pit -Terminal -Boneyard from Reach Yeah thats bout it.
  4. Sounds pretty cool actually, interesting read. I personally cant wait until Bungies next game. I hope it will be as awesome as the Halo series was.
  5. Pretty cool, I would of had one of my own until my teammate bumped into me >_<
  6. No. They are not necessary. Being a Promethean however.. I might enjoy.
  7. Im assuming Arbiter retired or something, I think in Halo 5 you should get to play as Arbiter the later years where you have to look after your whining Sanghelli children and tell your wife your war stories over and over again. Yes I do miss ODST's they are a big part of the series
  8. Okay, this is by far one of the greatest things I have seen in my entire life. Keep at it man!
  9. Where is the satisfaction in boosting to get something?
  10. Nothing was more satisfying than the noise the Spike Grenade made when you stuck someone. *Crunch*
  11. I agree man, assists are just as important as kills if not more, teamwork is required to win, as Halo is a teambased game. I myself just shot a guy last game my teammate was ninja'ing simply cause i was shooting at him first. And to whoever said you cant assasinate faster.. wetworks spec. Kthxbai
  12. Hmm you seem to be missing me on your friends list.
  13. I dont camp so much as hold down one area of the map, and gradually move forward. Does it work? Yeah i would say so I usually get like 15 kills on BTB and 20 or so on infinity slayer. It does though really depend on playstyle.
  14. You know what I kinda do. Playing Halo 3 I used to laugh and smile all the time, and now i find myself getting angry.
  15. I dont care really there just a fun little thing to try and do if im bored. I could care less if i dont get a bonus 2k xp.
  16. No people betraying me for the sniper thinking they are so hardcore, then taking 4 shots to kill one guy is the reason im glad betraying is gone.
  17. So what your saying is basically money over consumers?
  18. I miss my social slayer gametypes, and not getting sticky grenaded every 5 seconds its made regular infinity slayer unbearable. I get stuck almost whenever i kill someone CQC.
  19. Seriously, I mean it it seems games are getting easier and easier every release. Theres really no incentive to try and better yourself with a gun, or learn how the map works because the game developers baby you. -Not too good with aim? How about massive aim assist. -Cant memorize weapon spawns? Here have a power weapon for putting together some kills. -Not too good at fighting on even grounds? Perks and perks galore! -Lets make every weapon one shot people! -Cant figure out where to go? No problem waypoints for everything! -Cant earn it yourself? Buy it with MS points in the store. -Extensively boring beginning of game tutorials. -Games feel like they are holding your hand through the whole thing now from the campaign to aiming the gun for you in matchmaking. No figuring out anything for yourself anymore. I do miss it having to practice to get good at something, have to sit there and figure out how this level works and what not. Its just gone now a days. Am I the only one who thinks this? Discuss.
  20. If i join a session in progress I simply just leave. Its annoying and i dont care if my W/L is cruddy. So your getting dominated cause your team left, not my problem.
  21. It will be weird with the new Xbox being out and Halo 4 being for the Xbox 360. That concerns me same with RB6V: Patriots. But my assumption is they will be able to be played on the new Xbox.
  22. Congratulations no one cares 343i will sort out the problems
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