I find my teammates bumping into me annoying, and is one of the most rage inducing things, you watched me get my shields popped..please stand in my way you.. -Blam-
A long time ago, Unreal Tournament.
More recently....COD.. and I hate it, I cant pick up a fresh new shooter without some COD crap like perks integrated into the game. (Asides Battlefield)
I know this feel bro, I have a 3KD (Not trying to brag i dont really try. also BTB FTW) and today at my friends I was getting like a 2KD every game i was kinda mad at myself for playing GW2 for the last week on the PC.
Sometimes its the game mode to. I havent played normal infinity slayer since I had like a 2 KD which was forever ago. (My map K/Ds there make me look nub.) But in BTB i could destroy, so who knows. Sometimes frustration can also screw you in the long run makes you make mistakes you wouldnt have in some mad lust for vengeance.
The Rank system is in the game you just cant see it. Sounds like you must have some crappy team mate luck. (So Do I) But I was another forum and someone was complaining because seeing 50 was like the only thing inclining him to play.