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OMG Treason

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Everything posted by OMG Treason

  1. I miss H3 playlists. Also try not to judge the game on the couple games you played, it will probably get so much better once you really learn.
  2. Two words my friend: Star Wars The Jedi used their lightsabres constantly
  3. Ii use it gives me an edge on players.
  4. My team mates usually **** to. Scorpion tank betrayal, gauss betrayal it's annoying.
  5. I think the balance behind it is that it kills fastest when scoped but slowest when unscoped.
  6. OMG Treason

    New Playlist

    Yay, an MLG playlist for when I am bored. Time to stomp all the BK's that think they are MLG.
  7. This, Thruster pack is great for dodging those pesky little mini nukes.
  8. Honestly, Im being serious here. The DMR is pretty good. But player skill is a HUGE factor. My Tool of Destruction is the BR, and I have a 3KD so dont tell me its some begin all end all gun because its not.
  9. When you get used to it you can cross map fools with it. Smite them clear across the map you can.
  10. Prowler, or Chopper. Elephant/Mammoth Scarab? Storm the Scarab gametype?
  11. Does that for me too, I have it on this here Alienware. I just try to ignore it its nothing your doing wrong.
  12. They will probably do something, because as is its way to easy to reach 130.
  13. Nope, I could not FORCE myself to use the Concussion Rifle to master. I would rather teabag a bear trap than get like 750 kills with the CONCUSSION RIFLE.
  14. After a long grind I finally hit a 3 KD

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SykoWolf


      MLG is three words ROFL

    3. Azaxx


      Technically, MLG isn't a word at all.

    4. EliteSniper


      3 words consisting of 17 letters xD

  15. Well if these are the biggest issue's its not much to gripe about.
  16. The Thruster is OP, and the Lunge range is like 50feet.
  17. So one could say compensating for something.. if you know what I mean..
  18. As Spectral said, I would contact Bestbuy. Try to keep an open mind with them and maybe you guys will be able to come to a resolution.
  19. So.. what exactly was their plan there.
  20. You just made yourself look like a colossal A-hole.
  21. Yep, I have had to deal with these morons before.
  22. Only guns it really worked for were, Spiker, Mauler, SMG. We dont have those now, now do we so thats a no.
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