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Everything posted by Fred

  1. Don't want to read the books and understand the plot to halo. Then play the game again, search for the terminals on each mission and you'll have a better understanding of the story, and guess what, theirs no reading involved. Just pretty cinamatics for your viewing pleasure on halo waypoint.
  2. Yes, they get digitized by the composer and become promethians. Also, Spartan ops ep.2 shows an artifact that digitizes a scientist and gets sucked into the artifact. Maybe Cortana and all humans get transported to this coffin looking thing.
  3. Fred

    Bad Writing

    Wrong. Didact is just as delusional as the storm covenant. He is angry that humans destroyed forerunner colonies while eradicating the flood. So he started a war, beat them , made them stupid and used them to fight the flood his way(while halo rings were being built as a last ditch effort to destroy the flood). The librarian was his wife for centuries, before this started with the flood, and when she and the mantle(forerunners) found out of his actions they locked him away in requiem and fired the halo rings, no choice. It's not the entire forerunner race, its just that he has problems with humans. I don't know if you have found all terminals in the game, which explains most of what I'm saying, but from what I'm getting is you ran through this on easy not even bothering looking for collectibles just so you can get through it and hop on to MP. Your speaking jibberish replying to my post and not understanding this dam essay I just wrote you to explain the plot, and you still don't get it? Maybe its not bad writing but bad reading...
  4. Fred

    Bad Writing

    I've only played the games and read fall of reach, also googling halo timeline (wiki search), and finding the terminals in the game would help.This is my theory to the plot regarding halo4. Here goes: Precursors create all sentient life in the galaxy, including forerunners, humans, and flood. Forerunners have war with Precursors to claim the mantle(protectors of the galaxy) and drive precursors out of the galaxy. Precursors unleash flood in the galaxy as a test to humans and revenge to Forerunners. Humans decide to take it upon themselves to try and destroy the flood but in doing so destroy forerunner colonies. Didact, leader of the military caste presumes humans are too violent and want to claim the mantle for themselves. So begins human/forerunner war. Humans lose and as a result are genetically altered to Neanderthals and put on a halo installation. Forerunners are now facing a war with the flood and are losing and as a last resort before firing the rings, Didact composes most humans on halo installation blaming them for bringing the flood and turning them into promethians to combat the flood which still fails. As a result he is accused of his actions by the librarian (his wife) and locked away on requiem. Rest of humans are put on earth(I think) by the mantle and librarian. Forerunners have no choice but to activate the halos and eradicate all sentient life in the galaxy, but not before the librarian stores all said sentient life DNA into seed ships in requiem and repopulate the galaxy once again after rings fired. Time of forerunners passes. Fast forward to halo saga. Humans halt flood infestation. Have a cease fire with Covenant even though theres still factions out there that are still delusional(storm for example), and must claim the mantle of responsibility and find a way to have a cure/eradicate the flood which was the librarians(and precursors) plan all this time. While didact still wants to compose humans as a form of eradication but also obedience(promethians). Whoof, please don't troll. This is just my theory. Basically didact wants to do things things his way and thinks humans are too aggressive to have responsibility over the galaxy, while the librarian and precursors know humans are next in line to be the caretakers of the galaxy, and the only way It's going to get proven is by once and for all destroying the flood and bringing peace to the galaxy. Master chief being genetically enhanced plays a big role along with Cortana being almost human and no mention of the Arbiter or Halfjaw putting a stop to storm. Which leads me to believe that will all be fleshed out for the sequels along with introduction of next gen flood.
  5. Humans did not stop the flood, just prevented the infestation from getting loose. Humans almost stopped the flood but the human/forerunner war(Didact) prevented it from happening. Flood is still out their, and so is the Arbiter who both should come back to next gen. I'm not saying they need to be an integral part of the reclaimer trilogy, just make an appearance to show that the human race can stop the infestation, while arbiter or/and half jaw making peace with Covenant( take care of storm faction) and humans. Also, the myth is Precursors release the flood into the galaxy as a test to the humans and revenge to Precursor/Forerunner war. Gravemind(which is just a flood colony) is supposedly a precursor.
  6. All I'm saying is they need to at least introduce the flood for next gen, so we can see how they look with better graphics. Even if its just for one mission. 343 stated there wasn't going to be any Flood in halo 5, but they never said it wasn't going to be in the trilogy. As I said before, halo's whole plot revolves around humans stopping the flood for good and bringing peace to the galaxy by reclaiming the mantle. Cortana will be back, the Arbiter needs to come back, the flood is the main point of the story, and didact is still hell bent on digitizing the human race(make them promithians), to combat the FLOOD. Just because halo's 1-3 dealt with the flood, it doesn't mean that's the last we seen of them. There's still other halo installations out there. The first trilogy dealt with the human/covenant war which is now at a cease fire. This second trilogy deals with how humans will reclaim the mantle and become the caretakers/protectors of the galaxy.
  7. It's a faction of the government called storm which doesn't abide by what the arbiter believes.
  8. Flood somehow needs to be shown for next gen. That's the only reason I want it to come back. There is something in the next Halo installation(05 or 07?) that's going to make a big impact that will make the game darker. (Game wouldn't be called Halo without one being in the game). Graveminds come to fruition when enough sentient life has been consumed by the flood in a given area. That's when flood becomes highly intelligent(Gravemind). The whole plot of halo is the humans finding a way to stop the flood infestation and reclaiming the mantle, and the going to be a lot of jealous and hell bent races on destroying the human race. The only question is how does the Chief do it? Plus Arbiter is the only character I know that will bring peace to the humans and Covenant. What about the prophets? Weren't they allied with humans hundred thousand years ago while fighting the flood? What's their role?
  9. Just watch the terminal videos(halo waypoint) you collect in the campaign and all your questions will be answered.
  10. I think the Arbiter will be back for Halo 5. He will come to Earth asking for the help of Master Chief and the UNSC to put a stop to the Covenant civil war. The storm Covenant will whined up releasing the flood "again", and Chief will some way have to recover Cortana to stop the Flood infection. There's still Offensive Bias, Forunners(Didact and Llibrarian), Precursers, and Gravemind (being locked up o istallation 07). That's my prediction, what does the community think. 343 also said Halo 5 is going to be darker. What I assume from this is important characters are going to die and worlds are going to be consumed/destroyed.
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