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  1. so, no one but grunt ultra is gonna jump on this bandwagon (bandwagon of 2) i see, and acknowledge 343 made an effort to make this more enjoyable, what i'm asking is why not complete the job. and any other opinions, or changes ... ANY? i know we all think we know best, throw it out there. and charles: you don't read posts do you, i made a point to address everything you said as an example of what i've heard a thousand times! and i wanted more input from people. thanks for waisting space and being one of the mindless masses. (and no, that was not ironic humor) -still disenfranchised
  2. really. 343 is unreachable, everyone says turn to the community, and this is what you get ... "suckers" fans of halo rejoyce ... you don't need to buy anymore games ... no one cares. thanks
  3. I don't want this to be just another gripe from a novice, but its the details i'm talking about; I think we all expected a lot of changes from halo reach, and there was a lot of room for improvement, so i'm looking at the changes to solve the '****-ish-ness' that existed in reach. one major thing was betrails. we've all been there, someone shoots you, prolly for your sniper rifle, no boot option, and you get pissed enough to fight back, and you are booted before you can respawn. ok, 343 gave us no team damage, at least in big team slayer. i think that is a pretty good solution; you no kill me, i no need to kill you. but now when someone gets upset when they don't get 'their mantis' they can shoot and blow it up. this CRAP hurts the whole team win the game, and still pisses me off like before. again, i want avoid the tyraid, but we all know there will be a title update soon enough. so how do we get better gameplay out of this ... instead of BS bigger grenades and balanced weapons. 343 is hard to contact, it seems the community needs to agree, needs to settle on some rules to have an enjoyable game for once. i speant too much time banned from reach because i have to defend myself from my own damn team! everyone just says "quit games with trolls" or "that's the way it is, don't like it don't play" i didn't realize it was too much to ask to expect teamplay ... from a teamplay game. so, c'mon, what do we have to make this better than reach? suggestions, community outreach to 343, seperate playlists, a team-vote-boot-option?
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