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Everything posted by Apocalypse

  1. 343i said "fans thought only Bungie could deliver the halo experience" we'll it is only bungie that have given me the whole halo experience. The online difficulties are a joke I mean what ****** company has trouble with selling DLC free to customers who bought LE and just playing it in general. So far 343i have made an ass of online.
  2. I bought the LE if halo 4 and it says I have to pay 800 for it. WTF if anyone knows a solution please reply.
  3. James Gee thanks for that I done it there and got it thanks a lot.
  4. I finished spartan ops today all 5 episodes done, I didn't get the achievement so I looked back and they were all done I messages some people and some friends but nobody got it. Somebody tell me why I didn't get it.
  5. I've played about 7 games today and I realised the last 3 there didn't update and I got 18-0 and just there I got 17-8 so does anyone know why?
  6. You should do quick match and then just normal so it's like an option for every gametype
  7. Bring back sandtrap, highlands, the pit guardian and hemorrage, with hemorrage you should put it in but change the outside of it so it looks like a small island. You should also bring in community maps, put ravine in matchmaking, I don't get why it isn't in already.
  8. Why aren't halo 4 stats updating, come on 343 you guys are doing terrible I have to say with online. Why aren't halo 4 stats updating, come on 343 you guys are doing terrible I have to say with online.
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