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CHEVY4X4BLAZER's Achievements


Drone (3/19)



  1. No death and resurrection??? RE-SPAWN! There's your Christian tie-in
  2. Coolness! How much did that set you back?
  3. What are your thoughts on the actions of Westboro Baptist Church? How do you feel about the group known as ANONYMOUS?
  4. Spirit of Fire has 3 Spartans. I want them to come back!!
  5. Ive never used double XP. I would like to try it. http://facebook.com/home.php?__user=1297286564
  6. How many tactical packages / Support upgrades did you unlock? Can you use them whenever?
  7. I haven't seen much leadership here. Spammers should get warned Then BANNED.
  8. There is a distinction. U fail. There's a pointer, up or down, if your enemy isn't on your level.
  9. Nice informative thread. Good to read something that doesn't bash or complain about 343i/Halo4.
  10. Pulse nades are lame! Sticky "heat seak" =lag
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