So I've been making a big racing map where there's a sniper in the middle trying to shoot people on the mongooses(mongeese?) before they make it to the end and kill the sniper and another map where there is duck hunt for the last two weeks and countless hours spent. I went to go make the game type and used flood(in halo 3 infection was used for these type of maps and flood is infection equivalent except for this one problem it has.). Thought I had it all set and when I tested it I learned that you can't change the flood's weapon. It's always that bloody crystal thing/energy sword. This really upsetted as this is what I was looking forward to in halo 4; custom games. It was supposedly vastly improved. Was it? I beat the campaign and I got to a decently high level in War Games in 2 weeks, not to mention beating most of the Spartan Ops missions. Without being able to do anything fun in custom games I have nothing left to do. So ya, I would very much so like that improved/fixed.
This is really getting me mad....