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Everything posted by Crab

  1. Loadouts are not fine because of the masses spawning with DMR's which just smash vehicles into the ground, banshees warthogs ghosts you name it, people spawning in LOS of two people with a DMR = death isn't fine. Spawning with two stickies and just sticky-ing the living crap out of a warthog as it goes past isn't fine either. Promethean vision isn't a problem because of people camping with it, it just takes any kind of aggressive play/skill out the game. I can't ambush someone or sprint-melee-headshot combo someone purely because of Promethean vision and i certainly can't hide with it as my shields recharge. If you manage to sneak up on someone it's instantly negated by promethean vision because the guy has a backup plan and is rewarded for not being aware as he can just lb-360 instantly knows where everyone is. sneaking up to someone =/= sprinting up behind unawares and assassinating.
  2. quit dodging, quit flexing your totally abstract indie signature, quit derailing, stop using these forums because you don't contribute & you're v butthurt. please talk about balance issues rather than the origins of cod tyvm bro
  3. please stop dodging the topic and actually contribute to the argument. halo 4 copied cod's success, irrelevant where cod got it from. stop derailing the topic, thanks
  4. " it boggles my mind why you'd have to be so irrelevant and ignorant to the subject of the topic and then feel the need to post useless garbage. " indeed. no one ever implied anyone copied cod hahaha apart from you and the other guy
  5. does it even matter? he's not even implying that. either way or whatever crap you make up it comes from COD because it's an incredibly successful game and video game publishers want more money, so they look what game appeals to the masses and they do the same as that game. it boggles my mind why you'd have to be so irrelevant and ignorant to the subject of the topic and then feel the need to post useless garbage.
  6. Has it not occured to you that your banshee getting solo'd by 1 DMR could be 100 times worse if everyone in the game spawns with DMR's and just loldmr's any vehicle/red reticle they see? Loadouts need to be nerfed or atleast have some gamemodes without stupid op loadout choices. Yes nerf the DMR and it's ridiculous auto aim/recoil i can agree with. And loadouts do work well in COD because the game isn't very balanced anyway, and with a loadout system you either have rock paper scissors or a dictatorship. It adds variety for the casuals and it makes the game seem bigger. i agree with the rest of the stuff you say tho.
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