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Skettchy's Achievements


Jackal (2/19)



  1. Another reason I don't play BTB
  2. I just cannot seem to get the "Bros to the Close" Achievement. You have to finish the part with all 6 marines alive on heroic or harder. I always seems to lose that 1 marine who decides to rush a knight at the last second.
  3. This is happens to me all the time. I usually survive but if I come close to dying I usually kill the person trying to kill me.
  4. One reason I don't play BTB is because of the vehicle abuse.
  5. Its because its included in the Infinity menu. Which is really just the multiplayer menu. I really don't understand why you need live to play it. I'm assuming its because of commendations which you also must be connected to live to obtain
  6. Can anyone explain why were fighting the covenant again? I have beaten the game so don't hold anything back.
  7. I was just playing Flood on Complex and some guy was inside the wall killing people through it? I was wondering how this would happen?
  8. I don't so much want the xp cap gone completely. I would just like it to be slightly raised.
  9. I'm not getting any progress towards my wins in Regicide? I've come in 1st place 6 times now and I have no progress? Nevermind its working now.
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