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Everything posted by Hater

  1. Well said. I agree with everything you stated. This should be the OP instead.
  2. ^ is perfect. Most of the maps wouldn't work.
  3. Maybe this will bring in more noobs. I would say it's worth about $30 though.
  4. This puts all of my maps to shame.
  5. Master Chief wouldn't marry, that's just how he is.
  6. I agree with OP. The story did seem a bit rushed, and it just has a different feel to it.
  7. I would like to say thanks again, I really like it! I recommend for people to request.
  8. Looks very good on the aesthetics. I'm not sure about the gameplay though. Great map nevertheless.
  9. Looks great! I like your idea on the spiral stairs.
  10. Hater

    Grenades are a joke

    In previous Halo titles, grenades were used for tactically. The reason being is because their splash damage wasn't so ridiculous like it is in this game. You actually had to get your grenades in the right spot if you wanted it to do a lot of damage.
  11. Just sit back with your teamates and snipe with a DMR. That is probably the best way of doing it.
  12. True, I'm really waiting for snipers. The shield recharge rate really needs to change so there aren't as many chasers.
  13. I wish I could have that stance, I never get the right glitches.
  14. Shield Recharge Rate: Does anyone have the problem of getting picked off right after getting a kill? I usually kill an enemy while my shields get dropped. In 4v4 Slayer, usually there will be multiple enemies at once. He will usually take 1-2 shots to finish me off. Sometimes, if I am lucky I can get away. The problem is, there might be another enemy just around the corner. Sometimes, my shield just won't go up fast enough, and then I get killed. I think the shield recharge rate at the time is the same as it is in previous Halo games. This particular one though, has a much faster pace to it, thanks to sprinting and long range weapons. The shield recharge rate being the same however, makes you have to hide almost every time you get a kill. Added in with sprint and flinch when getting shot, this game caters to chasers. If you're getting chased the only hope you have is a teamate. I have explained my thoughts. Please tell me what you think.
  15. Hater

    Tips anyone?

    For the bigger maps I would suggest controlling the close quarter parts of the map if that is your style. Ex: The middle on Exile.
  16. I think they just wanted to take all the meaningful medals out of the game.
  17. You could use the Recruit helmet as an alternative t the ODST helmet, they look quite similar.
  18. Competitive, I enjoy things such as 1v1s.
  19. There's no competition. In even a slightly skilled player's hands, the DMR is superior to the BR. The DMR has a farther aim assist reach as well as heaps of bullet magnetism. Having a faster kill time also helps it out.
  20. I think that the maps should made asymmetrically on natural terrain. If they are only a little bit bigger than the others, it won't turn into a mess like Complex is. You would also have to make short sight lines.
  21. Best to Worst: Adrift, Haven, Simplex, Scythe, Abandon, Solace, Despair, Garotte, Complex. BTB: Longbow, Exile, Ragnarok, Vortex, Meltdown.
  22. I agree that the BTB matches are too short. It doesn't fit in with this fast style of gameplay Halo 4 brings.
  23. I can't wait for Fallout 4. If it's coming out anyway...
  24. Shutout (Lockout) works good on Halo 4? Since when?
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