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Everything posted by Hater

  1. I don't expect them to. They've pretty much screwed up everything else. In my opinion, there's better things to fix than the maps. I would love to see community maps return though.
  2. Hater


    Don't use the BR for anything but SWAT. DMR will destroy the BR at every range otherwise.
  3. And I have a brown horse named Gallop. Everyone starts with a similar dream.
  4. One problem I have with the forge is that the blocks look like trash in Halo 4. The only map they look good on is Erosion.
  5. Top 10: -Halo 2 -Fallout New Vegas -Halo 1 -Halo 3 -Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 -Fallout 3 -Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess -Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time -Minecraft -Battlefield: Bad Company 2
  6. I have lost all hope for the Halo community.
  7. I played on this, it seemed to work nicely.
  8. None. Instead, they need a classic playlist with none of these.
  9. They should learn the first time the get killed around the corner with the Boltshot. It's only common sense if I'm worrying about my KD, after all it is Infinity Slayer. If it was objectively based, why would I care about my team dying?
  10. I'd rather have them just open back up Halo 2, I don't want to play it with Halo 4 MP.
  11. When I go 18-12 and someone else goes 6-23, it's kind of obvious.
  12. My list: Gametypes: -Classic (no perks, no ordinance, no loadouts, no weapon indicatiors, 4 shot BR) -Team Snipers -Infection (not flood) -Team Doubles -MLG -Action Sack -Assault -One Flag CTF -Grifball Other: -1-50 Skill rank system shown in game -Better servers -More 4v4 maps ( DLC / Community forged maps) -DMR nerf / BR buff These things would complete the game for me.
  13. Haha true, I get what you mean by that.
  14. Hater


    I hope there is a big update. I have a sad feeling that 343i thinks this game is finished.
  15. Beam Rifle, but I stopped when you called the Binary Rifle balanced.
  16. I agree with this. Halo obviously had its peak of population at Halo 2 to Halo 3. Those games didn't change much either. That was the time when Halo's multiplayer was right. Then Bungie made a mistake with Reach by adding all of these new additions to the game. It didn't have the same feel to the game. In result, Reach wasn't as popular. I honestly don't know why 343 had to incorporate all of these new things into the game. They could have easily looked at the numbers for Halo 3 to Reach and determine that change isn't good for the most part. But 343 didn't just slightly change it, they turned the whole game around.
  17. Just use the DMR, it is clearly dominant over the BR. I'm just leeching off it until it gets nerfed.
  18. Hater

    Some Issues

    What are on about the Mantis? Besides that, I agree with everything else.
  19. One cannot simply "make" a meme.
  20. Agreed, this game is broken.
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