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Everything posted by Hater

  1. I really want to get my win / loss ratio up, but lately that has become quite near impossible. Every game I join it is in progress and we lose tremendously. I have to go positive at least 20 kills just to barely win. My teamates are always mic-less and just run in the middle and die. Is it something 343 has added recently? No one ever really wants to play Halo 4. What I want to know is, is anyone else having this problem? Also, I don't want to play Regicide because I don't think I would win that much, and Flood just isn't fun anymore.
  2. I am Wetwork - 67. My highest rank is 29 in Infinity Slayer.
  3. It happened to me before, try not to move when you are assassinating.
  4. I agree. I also think that you should get points and a medal when your teamates take it.
  5. I agree. I'm hoping that it will be like Halo Reach where they added more ranks. I would also love to see a skill rank actually implemented into the game.
  6. I really hope that the DMR gets nerfed. I want to go back to my BR, but what's the point when the DMR will destroy it.
  7. I have to say that I love Adrift. It is mixed with close quarters and medium range. The map I cannot stand though is Complex. It is a DMR camp fest.
  8. Try to play someone who is a lot better than you. I played GermanSheperdD and he destroyed me. After that I have been doing a lot better. I think it has something to do with focusing on what you're doing or where you are going. Doing 1v1s help train that.
  9. Message if you want to 1v1.

  10. Possibly the best competitive map I have seen.
  11. The circular base looks a little campy.
  12. Try to add some separate aesthetics.
  13. Go by as what you remember the spot by, maybe it has a crate there. Try to add which side of the map it is on too. If it is in the red base, then call it red crate.
  14. I would want a disc for MP, customs, and forge. Then a separate disc for Campaign. That would be a good balance.
  15. It is really bad, especially when the DMR takes only 3 seconds to kill you.
  16. Wow, I was looking for something like this.
  17. I agree with all of your points stated.
  18. Agreed, they need back the 1-50 system. I hear they are bringing it back, but only on Waypoint.
  19. Double pummeling is already cheap as is.
  20. I know I am going to get flamed, but I want the old betrayal system back so you would get killed and would be able to boot them.
  21. I agree with OP. Infection is supposed to be in favor for the humans. Now, being a human is like a punishment. The games only last around 5 minutes now.
  22. I really wouldn't count on 343i to do something as complex as this.
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