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Everything posted by mrblobby213

  1. Yes, I'm talking about Spartan Ops being online only. Now, I am very well aware I'm in the minority and that for future episodes Live would be needed, so please spare lecturing me on these. The fact is, after installing the second disc onto my HD it clearly states "Spartan Ops season 1" the size of that file is about 1.5gb if I remember correctly. Okay, so that would mean I have the missions on my HD? Cool. It can also be played solo? Alright then. Why can't I play it? I've payed for this content, its on my HD, it can be played solo, so why oh why must I connect to Live? Not only that but I need a gold account? I need to pay more money for content I've already bought and was covered in the admission price? That is just totally unacceptable. There is no excuse for this content to be locked to Gold accounts given the points I've made. This is no better than day one DLC. I know I am not the only one that has a problem with this. Let 343 know this isn't acceptable, and while those who are offline gamers still won't be able to access the content even if they release a patch, perhaps they will change this in the next game. 343 have made an excellent game, and while I can't play the Multiplayer (even though I would love to) the campaign is a total blast. Easily up there with CE and Reach for me. This is the only complaint I have about the game. I really hope you're listening, 343.
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