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Everything posted by sh4d0wh4z3

  1. Halo 4 had a pretty rough start for me because it didnt have the same feel i had when i played Halo 3 and Reach, but it is getting better with each day it advances. There just seems to be alot missing in this game though and some people do agree these should be put in the game. 1.Even though elites dont look as Shmexy as they did in previous Halos, we should still have the option to be an elite. 2.Following up with that, I think we should also have the game mode Invasion back in the game aswell since it was one of the best objective based game modes in all of Halo:Reach. 3.I know alot of people that dislike flood. Yeah its cool to go around as a enemy that was in previous Halos and kill people with your sword arm thing, but its not as fun as a 18(I believe it was) player game mode of Infection. Also from another thread and from my own experiance, you cant make any fun custom games due to the fact that the flood can only have a sword so your zombies cant have any weapons for Duck Hunt or Ghost Hunters. 4.What I should say to be the last update, you need to bring back Forge world. Its not impossible to because you did bring back Vahalla from Halo 3 and renamed it, so you can just do the same for forge world. I say this because all the other maps seem too small and i dont just like building on air where everything is flat and many do to. Plus it is too small to have huge war games with Vehicles. 5.I almost forgot this, but where is the racing game type? That is basicly one of the most memorable thing from any halo and will be sad to never see it again.
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