As we all know what the active camo is and what it does in the previous Halo's, but 343 the active camo is able to be seen from at least 30 ft away from people that are not even using promethean vision. I, my self always have loved and used the active camo but now I try sneaking around and I get spotted from people 30 ft away from me. Yes, I know you are thinking they are probably using promethean vision and I just don't know it. Well to come to think of it I do know when because of my radar, the noise it makes, and the huge red light that comes from there face. All I am saying is that the active camo should be toned down to where you blend in more with your surroundings. You might think it is over powered but to come to think of it the active camo has a few ways it can be countered like in plain sight the promethean vision see's you better than every one else when you are in active camo, also people can see when you regenerate health and see you take damage, and last they can just check their radar and start to move and find where you are at, but all I am saying is 343 please just make it where the active camo blends in more with its surroundings.
Thank you 343 for reading this hope you do fix it and see into my idea